Chapter 6 - We Go Way Back

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"Does it still hurt?" A boy slid into the seat next to hers, gesturing to her now bandaged hands.

The other kids whispered around them, thinking about why someone was actually talking to the freak.

"What's it to you?" The Cavallone asked rather defensively.

"It's so that I know I'm not the only one in pain... You work hard too, right?"

Young Dina's eyes widened before she actually looked at the child that was speaking to her. He had a mischievous grin, blue spiked hair and eyes that seemed nearly feline-like.

His hands-- His whole arms were bandaged.

"My name's Kuroi. Like the color."


It was custom never to mention your surname around these parts. The first thing they tried to do was make them forget.

"Nii..." A boy whispered before tugging on Kuroi's sleeve.

"Hiro. What's up?" Kuroi asked the blondie. Dina estimated him to be about her age.

"Who's she?" He pointed at the girl who had barely touched her food.

"Oh, her? That's Dina and from now on, she's family." Kuroi hooked an arm around Dina's neck.

Dina relished the sound. Family. It was something she had nearly forgotten in this forsaken place.

"Making new friends are we?" A group of girls had joined the table and Dina grew intimidated by the prescence of so many people.

"Hey, even if we joined this table. Is it still the dangerous table?" A bluenette girl with glasses had asked before her purple haired friend, probably her sister from the looks of it, stepped on her foot.

"Shut up, Karen."

"Why would it be dangerous?" An indigo haired girl asked out loud and everyone at the table glared at her except for Dina.

It was obvious that it was called the dangerous area because it was where Dina sat in and she couldn't help but start giggling at the thought, a few seconds later and she was all out laughing at them.

They all smiled at the sound before laughing along.



Dina had long thought of that word and she confirmed that it wasn't here. It wasn't with her blood.

It wasn't with Dino.

Dino who was laughing about what his right hand man had told him.

How many times had he laughed exactly like this when I had felt nothing more than pain? The searing of my own flesh?

The thoughts on Dina's head were venomous. The deadliest thoughts are after all, created in silence.

She ran her hand through the library's stack of books, her fingers trailing on one of the shelves with only candlelight to guide her way.

She stopped as she met an interesting yet peculiar sight. Xanxus was on a stool, frowning as though having a headache from reading the book in his hands.

"That sort of face doesn't suit you."

Xanxus glares at Dina as she walks over to him and places her hands on the back of his chair.

"What is the purpose of your face?" She asked.

"How can trash like Sawada have powers like that?" Xanxus replied, his eyes beginning to stare in the distance.

Dina was taken aback, she never thought for him to answer that way.

"I guess that's the problem, you're already powerful on your own, Xanxus. You don't have to worry about Tsuna's abilities when you have ones that even he can't copy."

Xanxus laughed bitterly. "Abilities that don't match up to his."

Dina frowns. "Show me."


"Your flame."

And he does, his hands start to light up, his abilities nearly the same as the 2nd boss of the Vongola family. A transgression between the storm and sky flame.

Dina holds a palm up to his, her flame appearing and molding with his.

Cloud and storm in the great, wide sky. Their powers pulsing through the dark of the room, illuminating it. They tangled against each other before finally disappearing when Dina pulled away.

His flame almost seemed to try to reach for her before dying out.

"Your flame seems to like me." Dina smiles at a bewildered Xanxus.

To all the bosses and right hand men, I need you guys right now because I have discovered some really awesome shit!

Hiro's exited voice rang throught the speakers.

Dina shook her head. "Moron..." She mumbled before extending her hand to Xanxus.

"Shall we?"

He pushed himself off the stool and brushed against her arm rejecting her offer.

Dina sighed and returned her hand to the side, smiling shamefully to herself.

"Aren't you coming, trash?" Xanxus called from behind her and Dina spun around to see him waiting by the door.

His arms were crossed and he eyed her with sharp eyes. Who knew that someone as shallow as her seemed to be sinking slowly in the depths of a bottomless ocean.

Her words and actions were simple, but the depth of them were enough to make you suffocate.

"Sorry sorry." She held both her hands up and shook them before taking off after him, tripping slightly on the way.

"There was a bump on the carpet!" She yelled, smiling innocently.

And she was back.


"Speak up, whaddya find?" Dina slid herself on the study table.

"What took you so long?!" Dino asked, staring both Dina and Xanxus down.

"We got hold up..."

Xanxus sighed at her antics and she pouted.

"Okay! I saw a really adorable squirrel..."

Hiro glanced at her briefly as the others sweatdropped before showing what looked like the scorched up head of one of the moschas.

"Luckily, this one was saved from the blast or I wouldn't have noticed this." He teps the nape of the moscha where a symbol, though discreetly made was clearly visible.

"I know someone who makes things with this...." Dina trailed off.

"Karen Kurame." Hiro said and Dina nodded confirming.

"So basically, it's a watermark." Dino compelled. "Where can we find her?"


"No idiot, the sun, of course it's Karen." Dina rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, we go way back..."

Dina smiled, a tint in her eyes that they've never seen before appearing. Her hair fell to one side, covering an eye and making her look even more intimidating than her usual self.

"Way, way back."

Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now