2 0 - C l o u d

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"My dear brother..." Noelle traced Kai's cheek with her finger before her jaw clenched and she grabbed the vase of flowers from the dresser and flung it across the room, watching it shatter into a million pieces.

"I'm so tired of losing people!"

She took deep breaths, her gaze cast downward when the lights suddenly dimmed. She tilted her gaze upwards before smiling to herself.

"So it begins."

"Must we do this, Noelle?" Kuroi asked her, his voice holding confusion and frustraition, like a child who had misconceptions about what his parents thought right or wrong.

"Yes." She turned to face him and cupped his cheeks. "She hurt us. It's our turn to hurt her..."

A tear trailed down her cheek as she noticed the hesitation in Kuroi's eyes. "You can't leave me. You won't!"

"I can't." Kuroi replied, his face solemn. "How can I leave the person who saved me?"

Noelle smiled before pressing her lips on to his quite forcefully an awkwardly. "Of course not. No one will love you more than I do."


"Welp, this doesn't look too good..."

"Dina... We literally can't see a thing!!!" Her brother whisper-yelled back as he stretched out his arms in front of him, to at least, even if just a little, understand his surroundings.

"Precisely, darkness casts a negative effect and negativity doesn't look too good..." She calmly replied as she grabbed the hilt of her dagger and tore up the side of her dress.

"When this is over, I swear I'm gonna retire." Dino murmured and Dina rolled her eyes in the dark.

"Talk about déja vu... It's like we're back to square one, old man." Dina joked softly.

"Yeah, I have one question before... We... You know..." Dino struggled with his words as he brought out his whip.

"Probably run to our immediate death? Sure, bruh. Enlighten me."

Dino cringed with her choice of words before answering.

"Would you have told me or shown me that you were still alive if I hadn't seen you back then?"

Dina paused before she bit her lip. "Do you want an honest answer? You know I'll tell you the truth."

"That's what I want... But the answer, I probably wouldn't accept."

Dina sighed. She expected this.

"Then I won't answer... After all, ignorance is bliss." She used her flame to light up the area around them, a few other people copied her example. "But I admit, I'm glad how it all turned out... It was unavoidable and unpredictable, I guess. Either way..." She looked at her brother. "We would've found each other."

Dino's heart warmed at his sister's words. "I—"

"How sweet. This little dysfunctional family trying to repair their past." A monotone voice whispered from behind.

Dina tensed as the hair on the back of her neck stood up. "Eavesdropping isn't very nice." She pouted.

A cloaked figure appeared, face hidden by her hood and mask. Byt it was obvious she was female due to her stature and the gown peeking out the bottom of her cloak, Kuroi appeared beside her in a suit.

"Dressed for the occasion?" Hiro called out, glaring openly at his brother from across the room, a horrified Karen by his side. It was obvious that Karen already knew who the masked woman was, she just couldn't bring herself to believe it.

'No...' Dina thought as her brain went into overdrive. She felt her body heat up as her heartbeat accelerated irregularly.

It made sense now. How she wasn't present in the attacks in the island and how she always had excuses when she disappears.

Dina felt a hand brush against hers before entwining with her fingers. She turned to see Xanxus looking at her, a hint of worry in his eyes.

She leaned her weight against him, knowing fully well he could support her. "I'm okay." She whispered, soothing his worries just by a little bit as she allowed a bit of her sky flame to enter his system.

"Continue the mission... Don't worry about me." She said softly, pressing her lips to her fingertips before tracing Xanxus cheek. Even with her labored breathing, she knew that it was a mild sort of pain.

Her emotional pain was distracting her from her physical pain and numbing it.

"I'll be okay, Vitto..."

Xanxus sighed before smirking up at Kuroi. "Trash! Let's finish what we started!"

Kuroi's eyes zeroed in on Xanxus and Dina. He turned to his companion who nodded, as though giving him permission.

"With pleasure."

Kuroi took off. A few people tried to follow him and atack but they were held off by rogue moschas.

"Noelle!" Dina yelled out as Xanxus took one last look at her, smirked and kissed her fully on the lips before jumping away, opposite from her. His voice lingering in the air.

"Try not to get in too much trouble."

The cloaked figure sighed before taking off her hood and cloak, revealing the Noelle in all her glory.

"I guess there's no point in hiding it..." She trailed off before glaring at Dina. "But you expected this, didn't you? 'A traitor in our midst'? Don't be a hypocrite, Cavallone!"

She held up her weapon, a long sword, with a golden hilt that had violet slashes at the side. "Cloud... Daze their minds!"

One by one, mafia members with low resistance and affinity, dropped to the ground, unconscious but not dead.

"Noelle! Stop this!" Karen yelled as she ran to her sister.

"Karen, wait!" Hiro grabbed her hand and threw her back as Noelle's sword missed her by a few inches.

Karen, fell to the ground, eyes wide as she stared at her sister, horrified that her own sister would do such a thing. "No way... Noelle... Why...?"

"You were always so selfish. Both of you. You never noticed anyone else's feelings but yourselves!"

She waved her sword around recklessly, her cloud flame lifte her off the ground.

"I'm sick and tired of being your fuckíng shadow!"

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Dina yelled, her eyes narrowed at her old friend, she was desperately searching for a sign that the old Noelle was still there.

"I loved Kuroi! Long before you did!" Noelle cast her eyes downward.

"And you stole him from me!"



So I drew Dina Cavallone!! My own version of her coz I couldn't find any pictured that suited it so... Yah... XD

Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to vomment!

Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now