Chapter 7 - Wannabe Scarface

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To Angelicsailor  thank you so much for everything and this chapter is for you and for your feels and to show you just how awesome you are and you're cotton candy hair!



"Karen, you sound like you've just seen a ghost..."

"Oh, please. Why would I not think that?" She replied, sarcasm evident in her tone.

Her head, tilted to the side made her messy blue hair frame her face in an unforeseen angle.

"It's been so long." I agreed.

"It has! Especially in your state!" I cocked my head to the side, mirroring her image.

"You seem flustered, Dina-hime." She raised a brow suggestively. "Have you used your flame?" She said the words like she was whispering a secret. Forsaken but not forgotten.

I glared at the screen, my expression showing clearly that I would've strangled her if it wasn't for the monitor in between them.

"So why did you call me?"

I smiled faux innocently. "Is it a crime to talk to a friend."

"I hate this side of you. Spill." She groaned and my brow twitched.

"See, Karen. A moscha tried to kill me and Hiro a couple dozen of times and it just happened to have your trademark insignia on it."

Karen's eyes widened before she took off her glasses. "I didn't know..."

I then began to tell her what happened from the beginning to Iemitsu's assignment.

I may or may not have forgotten to tell her about a few parts involving a certain sourface.

"You're one of the prime suspects." I didn't hesitate in telling her that.

"Dina, seriously. I have dozens of people in line for my inventions. I sell to the highest bidder."

"Okay, fine." I popped a sweet in my mouth. "But we need to get a list of the sold moschas and they're buyers."

"Anything." Karen told me and nodded her head.

"Thanks for your help."

"Is Hiro okay?" She asked after a moment, probably thinking whether or not she should've asked that question. Minding the deeper meaning to it

"Yeah. He's- We're both fine."

"That's like saying you're swimming when you're actually drowning." Karen mocked and I smiled.

"I've never been good at swimming anyway."

"Flames don't do well with water, I forgot." Karen smiled. "I'll send a boat to pick you up, but only Hiro, you, Tsunayoshi Sawada, Xanxus and your brother."

"He's hardly my brother." I pouted and she shrugged as I carelessly crossed an uncrossed my ankles.

"Can't deny blood."

"But you have to agree that the water's sweeter." I finished.


"Bye boss!!"


"Voi!! Try not to get yourself killed!"

Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now