Chapter 1 - "Not just because I love popcorn."

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"Whoa!!! This place is amazing." Tsuna gasped in awe.

Golden chandeliers, marble pillars, glass ceiling, precious statues here and there and portraits of the different bosses from the best to the worst.

He was embarrassed to say the lease, in his oversized suit and messed up hair, he looked like a social outcast compared to the pristine looks and auras that the other party guests had.

He sighed. "I am way out of my league."

"Hey." A voice said from behind him and he turned to see a woman a couple of years older than he was.

She was stunning.

Crystal-like eyes, gorgeous hair and fair complexion. Tsuna blushed knowing that this girl was talking to him.

"Don't let them get to you." She scoffed. "This is just an event that people like them..." She pointed below to the crowd.

"...Use to show off how much money they have, how beautiful they are and how lucky they aren't us." She frowned.

"I hate these people." She muttered before grabbing a tray of food from a passing waiter and popping dessert in her mouth. "But the food is divine."

She smiled at Tsuna, who still remained speechless. "Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna tell me who you are?"

"Sa-sawada Tsunayoshi."

Dina nearly choked on her food. She had only been in here a few seconds and she had already complained to someone who seemed unimportant but turned out to be really important.

Someone who belonged to a family she particularly hated and someone who was close to the family she hated even more than the one he belonged to.

"Holy shit!" She gasped. "You're the next boss of the Vongola family!"

Tsuna blushed. "It's um- not uh..."

"Get the hell away from me!" She yelled backing away from Tsuna like he was a bomb.

"Jyuudaime!" Gokudera ran to Tsuna's side. "I heard screaming and-"

He glanced at the girl and stopped midsentence.

"Jyuudaime, if you have a few particular hobbies you don't want to share, please be aware that I'm a very open-minded person..."

"It's not like that!" Tsuna's face was as red the coat Gokudera was wearing.

Dina laughed out loud. "Hey, Sugar." She winked at Gokudera who blushed.

"You have everything all wrong." She smiled, her earlier outburst had disappeared from their thoughts.

"But if the time comes..." She lowered her gaze to a more alluring and seductive way. "Feel free to let him die, kay?"

Tsuna shivered at the tone of her voice.

It was so cold. So different than before he told her his name.

Tsuna and Gokudera watched as she walked back towards another blonde guy in a brown suit, hooking her arm through his.

"Scary..." Tsuna muttered.

A few people looked at her as she passed, muttering in hushed whispers before sending glares or looks of fear her way.

She simply smirked and shook it off.

"No way..." Gokudera muttered. "It can't be.."

"What? Gokudera-kun?"

On cue, Yamamoto, Dino Cavallone and Reborn walked in.

Dino smiled, his eyes scanning the crowd as he made his way towards Tsuna along with Yamamoto.

Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now