Chapter 8 - 'Tortured lover? Classic.'

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"Hey Dina." Another person greeted as they passed by and Dina grinned once again before tilting her head in acknowledgement.

People bustled around here and there as the four newcomers sat awkwardly on a bench at a far wall, except Dina and Hiro, both seemed to be quite familiar with the place.

"Dina!" A childish voice called out.

"Moron!" Dina's smile was sarcastic but cheerful as her old friend stopped in her tracks and pouted.


"Bitch, please." Dina scoffed. "You should know to expect no less from moí."

Karen pouted but nodded her head as an afterthought. "True, true. Very true."

"Now give us a hug!"

Dina smiled, eerily and venomously. "If you do that, I swear I will smash your face with a metal rod."

"Okay then." Karen shifted away awkwardly.

"You never change." Another voice was heard, indigo hair and green eyes.

"Kai." Dina stepped forward and received him with a hug, earning a gasp and a small laugh from the two sisters.

"Why am I unworthy of your hugs and Kai isn't?!" Karen pouted, eyes tearing up.

"Because you're a little... Eh... Touchy." Dina smirked, her hand playing with her hair.

"Everyone who's with me say yo."

"Yo!" A lot replied, even Kai and Noelle were not an exception.

"Yo!" Karen whined before stopping herself. "I mean yo in a way that I'm not with you."

"About those records..."

"Don't you dare try to change the subject!"


Xanxus stopped a few feet away from the room, he wasn't particularly interested in the information.

For him, he didn't need to know any of it. Just call on him when things get interesting, he couldn't waste his time on trash like this.

"Stay away from Dina."

"If I don't will you stop me?" Xanxus smirked. "Kai."

Kai, once again, emerged from the shadows. "I will not hesitate to lead you to your ruin."

"Sorry, but there's already a line." Xanxus shrugged. "Maybe you're just envious. A girl like Dina, parading around with me... You think you're so brave but you're actually a coward."

"You can't even tell her how you feel about her, what a load of crap. Tortured lover, what a classic."

Xanxus had already seen it coming so he was able to block Kai's punch. His green eyes were venomous and if looks could kill, Xanxus would be more than just six feet under.

"Don't you dare."

"That's your childish impulse, threatning me... Who said I even feel threatened?"

His grip on Kai's fist tightened and Kai's face twisted in pain before an indigo mist surrounded them.

"From now on, you shall be called Xanxus."

"Yes, mother."

"Show him, Xanxus. Show your father your flame." A wicked gleam in her eyes as she clapped her hands together manically.

"Your annoying little tricks don't have any effect on me!" Xanxus was enraged.

These memories. His mother. His obedience to her manic intentions.

Yet he still loved her, no matter how crazy or how insane she became. He thought it would end and he would get her back.

He didn't realize but he had already pinned Kai to the ground, punching the poor boy's face until it was a broken, bleeding mess.

"Xanxus!" He was being pulled away and snapped back into reality.

"What the hell?!" She grabbed him by his forearm and pulled him to a different, secluded room an locked the door behind them.

"What the hell were you thinking?!"

"Stay the hell away from me!" He yelled back at her and her eyes widened.

"Of all the sinners in this world, I'm first in line but I can tell you're not that far behind. I can see through your stupid facade! You keep on trying to fix me but you're just as broken as I am. I know that face! That expression! It's the same one I taught myself."

"I don't need help from your sorry little ass when you can't even have the power to fix yourself. In the end, you're just another piece of trash."

Dina straightened herself up and you could see the effort of her trying to keep her composure as tears gathered around her eyes.

She headed to the door, her hand touching the cool knob before stopping herself as she felt it moist up.

'Breath in. Breath out.' She told herself.

"See that? I'm closer in line than you think. I'm so broken, I'm gonna walk out of here thinking I deserved that."

She left the room, her footsteps matching her uneven breathing. A few steps away, she collapsed to the ground with tears streaming down her eyes.

"I'm so stupid." She wiped away her tears, but it was no use, they kept coming back and the heaviest anchor weighed upon her heart. "So stupid..." She repeated the words over and over until she choked on her own voice.


In that room, Xanxus had placed both palms on a desk with his head hanging low.

With an enraged yell, he overturned the whole thing and all it's contents spilled to the floor. Papers askew, lamps broken and the top part of the glass table shattered.

He sat down on one of the chairs, his fingers trying to release the tension on his brows.

It was strange because normally, when he insulted someone or made them most probably hate him for the rest of his lives, he wasn't bothered by it at all.

But with Dina...

A girl like Dina...

The words he told Kai rang through his head and he shook it off with great fervor.


Dina is a nuisance, a weakness, another piece of crap just waiting to be thrown away.

A piece of crap who tried to put up with him, the only person who genuinely did so.


Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now