Chapter 3 - 3%

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"You're going to break us." She pressed a warm hand on the one-way glass window as she watched her classmates train. The glass fogged up as well as her eyes.

"They will break. Yes. But you. No." Her instructor stated calmly. "Though I must say, there is a particular beauty to your resistance."

Then the shocks started and her screams echoed through the soundproof room, unheard and unseen by others.

Her eyes rolled back and pain resonated throughout her entire body.

Dina Cavallone's percentage of losing herself = 3%

x • x • x

"That's incredible!" Hiro exclaimed, a childlike expression settling on his features as he studied the evidence or in other words, a few pieces of the glass ceiling.

"What?" Dino asked as he peered over Hiro's shoulder.

"Don't mind him, idiot brother. He gets a boner whenever he's around anything related to science." Dina joked.

"That's highly irrelevant." Hiro frowned. "The glass wasn't-"

"It wasn't shattered through a fixed point." Dina finished.

"And here I thought you were an airhead." Gokudera smirked smugly and Dina waved her hand, barely giving him any attention.

"A gola moscha can't do that." Hiro confirmed.

"So, what does th-that make it?" Tsuna asked.

"A hybrid." Hiro confirms. "Someone's messing with the gola moscha's blueprints and making they're own version."

The four of the guys were lost in thought.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Dina broke the silence as she questioned Gokudera.

"This is supposed to be a meeting between the three leader plus me and Hiro here. It's bad enough that I'm still hungry but then I see your face and-ugh. Words cannot describe."

Gokudera growled at her.

"Easy there, tiger." She held up her hands in a joking manner as Gokudera passed by her to leave the room.

"About that..." Dino interjected. "Has any of you seen Xanxus?"

All of the others shook their heads while Dina raised a hand. "I'll get him." She groaned as if she couldn't be bothered.

"Women are always the ones to clean up after you boys."

• x • x • x •

"Hey!" Dina called out to Xanxus who, to her extreme confusion, was sitting on a throne chair in the middle of the garden.

"I must say, this is the last place I expected you to be in." She looked around.

"I will not associate myself with trash."

"Woah. You clearly cut to the chase." Dina chuckled dejectedly.

"Listen, pal."

"I'm not your pal."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes. "I think we can agree that you're an asshole."

He scoffed.

"And I'm a psychopath."

At those words, Xanxus' lips twitched upwards.

Barely, but it was there. Dina thought before smiling to herself.

"So are you coming to the meeting."

Xanxus grunted before getting up from his chair and walking to the mansion, completely ignoring her.

"There's nothing better to do." He growled. "Don't get me wrong. This doesn't change anything."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Dina walked alongside him, hands behind her back. "I particularly enjoy challenges."

She held up a candy. "Would you like one?"

He increased his speed. "I don't like sweets."

She shrugged before popping it in her mouth.

"Whatever you say, Sourface."


"You actually got him to come here?" Dino whispered to his younger sister and his eye twitched as he watched Xanxus sit quietly in his throne chair.

"You know what I'm thinking?" Dina speaks.


"How is it that that chair is with him wherever he goes?" She tilted her head to the side.

"It's friggin' genius!" She exclaimed.

Dino sweatdropped as his sister started ignoring him again.

"So basically, the only way to disable one of them is by going for the eyes." Hiro explained.

"Or you can just blow 'em up." Gokudera replied.

After the meeting of Bosses, which Xanxus didn't attend. The meeting that included all family members was next to be held.

"I guess that's all, then." Hiro sighed. "We didn't learn anything we didn't already know."

Suddenly the doors barged open.

"Lambo!" The high-pitched voice of Ipin screeched.

"That's mine!"

"It's mine now! Gyahahaha." The baby in the cowsuit laughed as he ran through the legs of the people in the room.

"Ah-!" He bumped into the one and only Xanxus. Lambo's eyes teared up as Xanxus began to glare at him.

Before Xanxus got a chance to send Lambo flying, Yamamoto picked Lambo up just in time.

"That was a close one."

"Bruh." Dina kicked the throne chair lightly with her foot. "Chill."


The sound of piano keys being played were heard throughout the night.

Gokudera, who's had a past with the instrument had curiosly snuck out to see who was playing at this time of the night.

A few other interested minds as well started to listen to her song.

It was melancholic and soft. Like a lullaby.

I remember when
I remember
I remember when I lost my mind

There was something so pleasant about that place
Even your emotions had an echo in so much space

Dina's voice was tinged with innocence. Like a child singing without knowledge of anything else in the world. A life that was simple.

But the message to the song was clear. Dino has no chance of ever redeeming his sister. That girl was way too far gone.

Dina Cavallone was a ghost. She didn't exist anymore, The girl playing the piano only had her name.

In that charcoal heart, there was only a very tiny piece of it still burning.

But all fires go out.

• X • X • X •


The song Dina sang was 'Crazy' - Melanie Martinez's version :)

Thanks for reading!

Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now