Chapter 18 - It's a Bad Sign

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"Are you sure there's no other way besides using the Cavallone mansion?" Dina asked anxiously as she fidgeted with the ends of her skirt.

The Cavallone mansion, compared to the Vongola's was quite smaller in comparison, so it would be easier to capture Kuroi in it's premises than in the Vongola's facility.

Plus, the car ride from the harbor was shorter since the Cavallone HQ was closer to the sea.

"It's our only option." Hiro stated, equally as nervous though Dina had no idea why.

She unconsciously sucked in a huge breath as they got nearer to it's gates.

She felt Xanxus brush his hand over her skin and she repaxed by just a bit.

"Bad memories here too?" She asked him and he chuckled softly, darkly before brushing his fingers through her hair.

"Join the club."

The car stopped before the gates an they climbed out. "There was a time when Vongola and Cavallone used to be the greatest of enemies..."

Xanxus glanced at Dina for a brief second. "I'm not entirely sure if I'd be welcome here."

He recalled his past experiences with the place, remembering the bloodshed he caused behind the walls. He wondered if he had met Dina in a different state, when he was still known as the 9th's son.

Would he have killed her then? Or would he have looked at her like he did when he first met her?

Part of him was grateful that Dina was brought to the island before his other escapades.

He lightly squeezed her hand before pulling away, still uncomfortable with showing his affections in public but Dina smiled all the same because when she opened her hand, she found a few sweets in it.

She internally laughed at the thought of Xanxus buying sweets from a shop in his usual attire.

Even though it was still early, they could see a few cars, people already arriving.

"I wonder if they know what's in store for them..." Dina asked worriedly, her voice small as she opened the wrapper of a small strawberry flavored candy.

"They won't get hurt... We'll make sure of that."

They heard their friends arrive from the other cars. Dino sauntered his way to them, pressing himself between Dina and Xanxus, who glared heatedly at him before he backed away sheepishly.

"The invitations we sent out were to nearly almost only mafia families, they can handle themselves quite fine."

"Alright then."


You stand with your hand on my waistline,

"Well, this is awkward." Dina slows in her step as they walk inside.

I can hear them whisper as we pass by.

"Deja vu?" Hiro whispered, his eyes scanning the crowd.

Xanxus' grip tightens on Dina's waist. "I don't like this." He whispers in her ear and Dina relaxes a bit before pecking his cheek, surprising the Varia boss.

"We're fine."

It's a bad sign, bad sign


Here Dina was again. Facing a mirror and squinting her eyes, as she settled for the finishing touches of her appearance for yet another ball.

Weren't balls what started this mess in the first place?!

Her hair was pristine. Since, of course, Noelle fixed it up.

Her dress was pretty too. Smooth with small ruffles at the edges.

Her face had make up that was made up perfectly.

If she died today, she was gonna make sure it was gonna be an open coffin.

There were two knock on the door, followed by a small cough and the door to her bedroom opening.

"I didn't even say I was decent yet." Dina teased, her lips curving into a half-smile before herjaw dropped at the way Xanxus looked.

"You dress up nice."

Xanxus nodded, body stiff and expression stoic, both his hands were fisted.

Dina quickly frowned before wiping it off her face, noticing how the two of them were completely nervous for some reason.

"Do I look okay?"

That was the only time Xanxus truly looked at her that day, up and down, his eyes following her like wildfire.

He moved forward before stopping in front of her, he placed his arm around her and tugged on her hair clip until her blonde hair finally fell down her back in waves.

He threw the hair clip on her bed and placed his hands on her waist, in response, she placed her hands on his shoulders.

"Better?" She asked, smiling and he pulled her closer and kissed her.

It was deep, meaningful. Sensual.

Xanxus had never kissed her like this before, kissed her like she was gonna disappear if he loosened his grip.

His long fingers nimbly cupped her cheeks, and hers tangled in his hair.

They pulled themselves closer against each other, eyes closed, herts beating erratically. One of her hands detache from his hair to rake her fingernails against his chest, beneath the thin material of his undershirt as he moaned and pulled her even closer.

It was almost as if they were trying to make sure that even air couldn't pass through them.

"I love you." He whispered against her lips after pulling away, foreheads pressed against each other.

Dina's eyes widened, she knew how hard it must've been for him to admit how he felt. His words were an unexpected gist for her.

A blessing.

"I love you too...." She whispered softly.

"It's annoying."

"What is?" Dina asked, her ead tilting to the side.

"After my mom, I promised myself I'd never ever love again. The idea of that was impossible for me.

Then, you came along with you love for sweets, annoying attitude, and your eyes that are so similar to mine." He laughed softly. "That promise just became a blurry sentence in the back of my head, it didn't even exist anymore."

"Xanxus, I.... I have to tell you something..." Dina's eyes were glistening with unshed tears, happy ones mixed with sad ones.

"About the mission-"

"I know." Xanxus says, his voice filled with knowing and something else.

"I won't let anything happen to you."

Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now