Chapter 4 - Outcounted Vote

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She fell yet again, for the hundredth time.

Her sky flame had already run out not too long ago.

"Stop!" She begged. Her small hands clasping together. "I can't do this anymore!"

The man's eyes shifted to the right wall, confirming the fact that it was a two way mirror.

That someone was watching on the other side.

A buzz sounded as the man exchanged whispers with whoever was talking to him through his device.

She waited with hope that he would stop, let her rest, give her some food, maybe water and then she'd finally get the luxury of a bed.

His body snapped back in her direction and she straightened her back, waiting for what he'll say.

I must be good. She said in her mind.

I must be quiet.

I must be obedient.

The man walked cautiously towards her and she exhaled in relief as he outstretched his gloved hand.

And tried to punch her in the face. She evaded quickly and blood started rushing to her ears.

Pounding and pounding and pounding like drums.

He tossed her a dagger.

She looked at him in disbelief before her eyes glazed over.

She wanted to survive. It was surely obvious that she wouldn't be given a proper meal until she made it past their expectations.

"If I beat you, you'll let me have free time?"

"Is that a suggestion... Dina?"

She spoke no word as her feet began to move on her own and she was running towards him, dagger poised and ready to attack, to cut and to slice.


She huffed, taking mouthfuls of air into her lungs like a fish in ground trying to find water.

His mangled body was distorted, like a doll twisted in every way possible.

The corners of her mouth rose and she asked in a small, yet deadly voice.

"Can I rest now?"



Hiro stood at one side of the room, tinkering with the remains of the fallen moschas. He groaned, setting down the machinery rather harshly.

"Why am I the one doing this?! Aren't mafia people supposed to be loaded?! No pun intended."

Dina, preoccupied with playing on her phone shrugged as she crossed and uncrossed her legs.

"I dunno, I guess they just can't be bothered to deal with other people's problems."

"You are not helping." Hiro sighed before returning to his tinkering before hearing a horrifying click.

"Uh-oh." Dina whispered, her lips parting as she set down her phone and toppled the couch over before taking cover behind it, Hiro quickly arriving next to her.


The blast went off.


"What happened?!" Dino Cavallone yeled as he barged through the doors where the explosion came from followed by the other bosses and their right hand men.

"All the evidence. Gone. Just like that." Hiro muttered, a grave look on his face. "All my hard work."

"How could I have missed that?" Dina pitched in, her tone solemn.

The two of them exchanged a look before breaking into completely sadistic smiles.

"What micropenis does a person have even dare do this?!" Dina laughed.

"They really thought that small of an explosion would be able to kill us?!" Hiro chuckled.

"I seriously need to meet this guy! Give him some tips on... How to..." Dina swayed in her steps, her eyes glazing over and breaths coming out short and ragged.

Hiro alarmingly put a hand on her back to steady her, his eyes showed no humor. He wasn't laughing anymore.

"Are you-?"

"I'm fine!" Dina laughed it off, her voice cracking.

"A-are you okay, Dina-san?" Tsuna asked and tried to help along with Yamamoto but she waved them off, glaring at them.

In a split second, maybe it was brotherly instinct or just an irrational reflex, Dino was by her side, pressing a hand to her forehead.

He pulled back almost instantly. "You're literally burning!"

"I don't mind a bit of fire." Dina joked weakly before winking at them.

"I'm going to my room." She said before slowly leaving the room.

"Voi!!! What the hell?!"

"What's wrong with Dina?!" Dino asked Hiro, his subordinate following his every step.

"None of your business." He replied, his gaze never leaving the door from which Dina left.

"I'm her brother. When did your vote outcount mine?" Dino defended, frustration seeping in his tone.

Hiro's eyes snapped up to meet his, a glare so cold that Dino could even feel it threatening his legs to shake.

Tsuna gulped, Yamamoto got into a stance, Squalo readied his sword, and Xanxus did not make a word but watched intently at the scene taking place.

"Your vote didn't count since long ago. The time when your family cast her out like a dog and betrayed her, left her to die in that asylum."

"What do you mean, asylum?!"

After those words, Hiro's eyes widened before he walked away and out of the room. Not giving a reply.

"Someone will come and clean it up." He gave as an afterword for the mess of the study they had.

It was, from then on clear to Dino Cavallone. There was something his father clearly never told him.

It's only natural to point out at this increasingly dire moment that everyone has their own secrets.


Dina opened the shower tap, checking to see if it was cold enough before pressing her forehead against the shower wall and letting it pour on her.

"Please make me cool." She silently prayed to whatever greater being would listen to her call.

Slowly, but surely, her sickeningly high fever reduced as she let herself slip into the bliss of this relaxing feeling.



Shoutout to Angelicsailor coz she's awesome and she voted and commented on this book and she made my day when I looked at the notifications about a week agao to expect the usual, this guy that guy, but instead someone actually commented and voted so I was just so happy!

*smiles like a lunatic* Thank you guys!!!

Ghost of the Past (Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Xanxus) WATTYS 2017Where stories live. Discover now