Part 5 Chapter 9 Gray Jedi

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Jedi Praxeum (Academy)

Boston, Trantor

The city of Boston on the planet Trantor is a city designed to house the Jedi Praxeum. Previously, the Jedi Academy was in Malang, on Terminus Island. Although the Jedi Praxeum has moved to Boston on the planet Trantor, the Jedi Academy in Malang is still maintained, mainly as a backup location for the Jedi library and as a recruitment center for Jedi before they are sent to the Jedi Praxeum in Boston on Trantor.

Even though Boston is a metropolis, the Jedi Praxeum building dominates the Boston skyline. A main building that has a main tower as high as almost 1 km, surrounded by 4 small towers as high as 400 m around the main tower. Outside the main building there is a 20 km2 garden where, in some places, there are various buildings that are no less magnificent. Some buildings have towers that reach 250 meters.

The city of Boston covers the entire area of the Jedi Praxeum, an area of 250 km2. The city also has many skyscrapers, but none of them are taller than the main tower of the Jedi Praxeum; the tallest tower in Boston is only 600 m; the average skyscraper in Boston is only 400 m. Around the city of Boston, there is still beautiful wilderness, and several places around it have small towns and agricultural areas. However, the actual agricultural area is in the tall agricultural buildings (about 100 m) in these small towns.

Boston's current total population is 500,000 and is rapidly growing through immigration. However, the population is still quite small compared to the area and the number of buildings that make the city of Boston seem deserted. While the Jedi Praxeum, despite having a very large area, only contains 10,000 people, 2,000 of them are Jedi students (padawan). Currently, the Jedi Praxeum only has eight Jedi Masters plus three Mage Masters who also double as Jedi Knights. There are still only 30 Jedi knights who are also forced to participate in the education of the Padawans, the rest are all Padawans. These Jedi have never had a mission outside of the educational mission of the Jedi Praxeum. This is because currently all efforts are focused on increasing the number of Jedi that will be produced by the Jedi Praxeum.

The Mage Masters in the Jedi Praxeum are elves from the Principality of Qua Toyne. They were asked to teach magic to the Jedi. But strangely, after hanging out for almost a year, during routine testing, their blood became detectable the presence of midi-chlorians in large enough quantities so that they could be trained as Jedi. This gives the theory that currently midi-chlorians act like a disease, they can infect people who are around midi-chlorians carriers. Hence the Jedi recruitment was extended to the people of the Rodinius continent. There are nearly 100 students who come from countries on the Rodinius continent. When they were accepted as Jedi Praxeum students, they were sworn not to divulge the true technology level of Myto Empire.

But the opposite is not the case in all of Myto. No resident of the Myto Empire was able to become a mage and control magic. This is still a mystery and has been confirmed by the Mu Empire, which is also a transmigrated country, and they also have no mages, except in mixed marriages with local residents. The Jedi, who are trained as mages, must rely on devices in the form of magic wands containing magic stones and various other supporting devices. The magic stone is controlled by force to create a magical effect. Only by using this system can the Jedi use magic. Usually the wand is combined with the lightsaber so that it becomes more practical. However, this causes the existing lightsaber to be standardized, there is no unique lightsaber, like in the Galactic Empire.

When Moff Trevat allowed the creation of the Jedi Praxeum, he emphasized that it was not an ordinary jedi or a sith that was taught, but a combination of the two, namely the gray jedi. Trevat took the eastern philosophy of earth, namely Yin-Yang, to form the Jedi, the balance between dark and light. In addition, because Trevat, as Iskandar, had studied martial arts when he was in high school in the form of Kung Fu, he also taught the Kung Fu moves that he understood, namely Tai Chi, both in the form of empty-handed martial arts and swords. Trevat also taught what he knew about Qi, which experts then investigated and developed into practice. In addition, Trevat, as Iskandar, had also been taught by his grandfather traditional martial arts techniques, pencak silat, and he also taught them.

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