chapter 1

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~Y/n POV~

I wake up to my mom yelling at me to get up, as today is the last day of school, as well as the first day of summer camp. meaning I need to go through a whole school day, just to get on a bus of 60 kids and then be in charge of them for a few months. It's my first year being a counselor at camp nightwing, I could've gone and done it when I was younger, but my mom only let me start this year. I'm only really excited because my best friend, Ziggy Berman, is going to be there.
I finally get out of bed and start getting ready for the day.
I decided to pack my bag after school, im already almost late anyway.
I leave the house and meet my mom in her car. She starts telling me all this shit like, "You better be grateful im even letting you go to this camp." or "you're only allowed to go because I need time away from you and your bullshi-" I slam the door before she could finish before walking to class. We dont learn anything today, i dont even know what the point in even being here is, nonetheless, I get through the day, grab everything out of my locker, and wait for my mom to pick me up.
as im stood at the curb, I heard two girls behind me.
"Look at her. She looks so dumb just standing there. what's she even doing?" was all I could make out from their whispers.
"You can cross, y'know!" One yells at me. they both snicker at the joke.
my mom pulls up right after. I start getting in the car, and I hear someone tell the girls off. "Can't you just stop? It's the last day of school, so go find someone else to entertain yourselves with." a male voice said. I didn't even want to know who it was. I didn't care.

I began packing my things when I got home, then waited at the bus stop. afew others were with me. the bus came, and we all loaded on.
I see ziggy jump up as she sees me.
"Y/N!! C'MERE!!" she yells. I laugh and walk down to the end of the bus, where she's sitting. "Oh my god, hi!" she moves over and motions for me to sit next to her. I do so.
"Hi!" I giggle.
"I missed you so so SO much." she said dramatically.
"You saw me in school an hour ago, ziggy." I say.
"Ugh, but you're so old that I can't be in any of your classes!" she smiles at me.
"Hey!" I punch her arm in a teasing way.
"a-how!" she punches me back.

"Would you two headaches be quiet for 5 minutes?" Someone says. it was Cindy, Ziggys sister.
"Seriously? I haven't seen y/n in an HOUR, and you want me to be QUIET?" ziggy says.
"It's an hour, ziggy, GOD," Cindy replies.
"Calm down, you're acting like children." A male voice, next to Cindy says
"I AM A CHILD," ziggy shouts.
"Yeah, can you guys imagine still getting bought free meals at restaurants!" I say, turned toward Cindy and the guy she was sitting next to.
"Oh, come on! im not that young! at least i dont have grandma knees!" she pushes me forward.
"I do not have grandma knees!" I say, offended.
I turn back to ziggy.
"Okay 'these stairs are too steep for my knees'" ziggy quotes me.
"That was one time! 6 months ago! im a changed man." I say, proud of myself.
everyone laughs. the conversation fades back to me and ziggy.
we talk for a while till we arrive at camp.

"Sunnyvalers off first!"

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