Chapter 12

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We started over to wherever the shadyside campers decided to meet up, to get them all set up for capture the flag.
"um.. hey guys? have you seen Arnie anywhere?" Cindy walked up to us, obviously scared of me.
"I haven't, why?" I respond.
"I just want to make sure hes okay, but if you haven't seen him ill go ask someone else" she started to walk away.
"Cindy, wait," I stopped her from leaving. "Im sorry for how I treated you when you apologized." I continue.
I seen a smile grow on her face.
"Its okay, did you guys wanna come help me find arnie after you get the campers set up?" she replies.
I look at Tommy, he nods.
"sure." we both say.

we went together around camp when i notice a broken window in nurse lanes office.
"hey wait" I stop walking. "look" I pointed to the smashed glass.
"what the" Tommy turned.
"lets go look over there then." Cindy ran over to it, Tommy and I following.
"Arnie? you in there?" Cindy called out.
Arnie and Alice were in the office, attempting at finding some kind of drugs, because that's what they were all about. I feel like Tommy used to hangout with them, the way they look at eachother is the way you look at someone you used to be friends with.
"Whats that?" Cindy peeked over the window.
"why do you care?" Alice replies.
"oh god." I pull myself up through the window, Tommy held his hands around an inch away from my waist, incase I fell.
"lemme see." I walk over to Alice, holding my hand out.
"why??" she whined.
"I wanna know what you're taking" I snatch it from her.
"Okay, for your information, we didnt take anything from that." she tried grabbing it back.
"okay, for your information, you shouldn't take drugs if you dont know what it is." I mock her.
Arnie reached over my shoulder, grabbing the bottle.
"I can't believe this" I look up at him.

we slowly figured out it was just Tylenol.
"wh- you sure?" Cindy asks looking at the bottle.
"positive. let's go, Al. I think Joan has weed, if we pay her." Arnie walks over to jump out the window.
it was weird for him to be like this. usually he would've done everything to take the pills no matter what.
Alice and Arnie left us there.
"huh." I sigh. "that was weird, right?" I turn to them.
"yeah, the fact they didn't immediately try to take them was a little odd." Cindy replies.
"well, now what?" Tommy asks.
"well im gonna go. I need to make sure ziggys actually participating in colour war, she is this close to getting us both kicked out." Cindy walks over to the window.
"ah, have fun." I reply, waving.
"ill try." she shouts, walking off.
"what do you wanna do?" I turn to Tommy.
"uhh.. wanna go check on the campers? I think Jeremy is the jail guard." he smiles.
"Sure! let's go." I smile back, before walking to the window, climbing out.


Short chapter because I can💕💕😋😋

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