Chapter 4

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(sorry for not uploading new chapters LOL I forgot this account existed but I found it so its okay.)

I wake up, overheating, and roll over to see Tommy asleep next to me. the silence of the room is filled with him snoring.
I laugh at him for a second before laying back down to try to sleep again.

what feels like 5 minutes passes, and ziggy is yelling in the cabin.
"WAKE UP! WE SLEPT IN!" she jumps off her bed. I look up.
"wheres Tomm-" she stops when she sees him in my bed.
"okay!" she awkwardly steps away.
I groan and lay down.
"anyway! we need to get up. like now." she grabs my arm and drags me out, waking Tommy up.
"whyy" I yawn.
"because you have things to do. come on." ziggy laughs.
"uugghh okay" I stand up, finding clothes to change into.
Tommy gets up shortly after.
after we're all ready, ziggy walks over to Nick.
"its really funny how she actually thinks we slept in." she whispers, just loud enough that I hear her.
"WHAT." I shout.
she looks over at me.
"uh.." she steps back a little.
"are you serious. you dragged me out of bed for no reason." I sighed.
"no..." ziggy tries to cover for herself.
"yeah okay. whatever" i groan.
we make our way outside, and get things set up for the day.
"now, I personally would rather do anything but cleaning the outhouse, so, y/n and Tommy! I hope you have fun there!" Nick smiles and pushes us toward the outhouse, as ziggy walks back to the cabin.
"I'll be sleeping if you guys need me" she laughs.
"I really hate her sometimes." I sigh as we both walk toward the outhouse.

around 30 minutes of cleaning quietly, I break the silence.
"shit." I put down the sponge i was using to try to clean some moss off of the toilet.
"hm?" Tommy looks over at me.
"the stupid moss- or whatever it is, stained my fucking shorts." I Reply.
"that's really funny" he continues scrubbing the toilet
"no its not" I try to rub the stain out
"mhmm" he chuckles.
"I hate you" I give up on the stain
"awh whatever will I do" he says dramatically
I sigh and continue cleaning.

around an hour passes.
"oh my god we finally did it" I stand up.
"there is so much moss left around here what are you talking ab-"
I cut him off by shushing him, putting my finger infront of his face.
"shh we did it.." I giggle
he doesnt say anything and just laughs.
"okay let's go put all the cleaning shit away" I grab the (almost empty) buckets of soapy water.
he doesnt say anything and grabs the sponges.
"why aren't you talking" I say as we walk to the mess hall.
"you shushed me." he said.
"yeah like so long ago, im not gonna kill you for talking man" I laugh
"sorry I thought you might've.." he jokes
"ill do something worse" i pour the little bit of water over his shoe.
"im actually gonna murder you" he stops walking.
"oh nooo" I tease, before he starts chasing me.
"WHAHAHA-" I laugh while running away
I drop the buckets close to the mess hall so I can put them away later.
"IM GONNA KILL YOU, Y/N" he puts the sponges with the buckets before continuing chasing me.
we ended up somehow making our way to a tree (nicknamed "the hanging tree" because of shadysides past) in the middle of a field.
I stop when I see ziggy being tied up to the tree by afew kids.
"oh you're fucking kidding me." I say.
Tommy doesn't notice and grabs me.
"I got you" he says somewhat aggressively.
"look" I motion to the tree.
"im gonna fucking murder those shitheads." I move away from him and call out.
"HEY! LET HER DOWN." and start jogging up to the tree, out of breath from Tommy chasing me.
he follows me.
"what are you gonna do?" one of them says.
"oh I have a whole list of things I could do. wanna hear it?" I look at her with a condescending smile.
"not really" she says.
"then let her down" I make my way to the top of the hill.
"ugh fine." she looks to another boy. "let her go will."
"aww thanks!" I say with some stupid high pitched voice.
she mocks me.
I help ziggy up.
"wow old people can actually be helpful sometimes" she smiles, with all her weight in my arms.
I jerk my arms down to threaten dropping her.
"OKAY OKAY IM SORRY" she shouts.
"are you gonna punish us?" the boy asks.
"I mean, probably" Tommy says.
we asked them to explain what the hell just happened.

"and then all my money was gone and ziggy was just sprinting away" the girl says.
"because you were chasing me" ziggy says.
"ziggy. zip it" I point at her.
"okay but you got the money back, yeah?" Tommy says to the girl.
"yeah but-"
"then why did you decide it was a good idea to try to kill ziggy?" he says.
"because she's possessed by Sarah Fier." she smiles looking at ziggy.
ziggy lunges at the girl.
I grab her and pull her back.
"what is your problem grandma"
she whines.
"if you kill her, you'll be kicked out, and I won't have anyone to make fun of" I smile at her.
she sighs and stops struggling to say "i guess i wont murder her yet"
I let her go.
"are we almost done here?" ziggy says.
"yeah. you can leave. I'm gonna talk to these few for a little bit." Tommy says.
"Oh my god thank you so much." she says and starts to walk away.
"im gonna go with her in a second." I smile at Tommy.
I grab the girl by the shoulders.
"listen to me you little shit. never pull something like that ever again, you hear me?" I say quietly.
she nods shakely.
"good. " I smile.
Tommy pulls me away.
"okay I'll see you later." I hug him quickly, before racing after ziggy.

after I catch up to her I stop to catch my breath.
"I cannot.. run this much in one day.." I say between breaths.
ziggy laughs at me.
"you ran to the tree and back how is that alot?" she asked
" I ran before that" I say, still trying to catch my breath.
"why?" she said, confused. "grandmas dont usually run that much.
"I poured the soapy water over Tommy's shoe as we were walking to the mess hall to put the cleaning supplies away, and then he chased me around threatening to kill me" I say enthusiastically.
"oh!" she laughs.
she ruffles her hand through her hair.
"THEY BURNED YOU?" I yelled, grabbing her arm.
"I- yeah" she pulls away "how did you not notice earlier. are you old AND blind?" she giggles.
"maybe i am. either way, let's go to nurse lane." I grab her and drag her to Nurse Lane's office.
she eventually gave up and let me drag her there.
I walk her in and leave her there.
"come find me when you're done?" I ask.
"sure." she replies.

I walk out and down the steps, and make my way to the mess hall to help prepare for lunch.
I walk in to see Cindy. being as our history isn't the best, I decide to ignore her.
"hi y/n!" I hear a voice from behind me.
"Joan! hi!" I run over and hug her.
me and Joan had been close friends for awhile, we've been in the same class since kindergarten so it just worked.
"how are you?" She hugs back.
i glance slightly at cindy, then back to Joan.
"good. really good. you?" I say as we start walking to the kitchen to help cook.
I walk past the cleaning closet to see the buckets and sponges from earlier put away. I smile and continue cooking.
"what are you smiling about?" Joan asks.
"hehehe nothing.." I reply.
"mhm... OHMYGOD is it a boy.." she grabs my shoulders.
"um.. no.." I look away from her.
"oh my gosh! whos the lucky guy?"
she squeals.
Tommy walks into the kitchen.
I look at him, smiling wider.
Joan gasps. "NO WAY."
I go back to cooking.

awhile later, we finished cooking and served it to all the kids.
I sit down at a table with Joan, Gary, and Tommy.
Joan looks at me and smiles, motioning toward Tommy with her eyes.
I smile back before looking away.
"okay whats going on that im not getting." Gary finally asks. "I honestly can't tell whether y/n has some vendetta against Tommy or has a crush on him."
Tommy looks at us two as we both burst out laughing.
"oh its the first option absolutely."
I joke.
"oh my god really? after that stunt you pulled earlier I thought it'd be the other way around!" Tommy says to me.
"whoa what happened earlier.." Joan smirks.
I laugh more, at this point I'm in tears.
"ARE YOU CRYING?" Tommy laughs.
"NOHOHO..." I reply.

Ziggy walks over.
she takes one look at the situation and turns back around and walks to a table to sit alone.
"no ziggy get back here" I say.
she ignores me, so I get up and follow her.
I grab her arm to see the burn, but its wrapped up in cloth.
"how is it?"
"its okay i think"
"that's good" I smile.
"do you wanna come sit with us?" I ask her
she sighs and follows me back.

We all finished eating and I walk back to the cabin alone.
"Y/n." I hear a familiar voice from behind me.

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