Chapter 18

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Later that night I wake up alone.
"Tommy?" I call out as I roll over.
I notice its dark out which means its probably only been afew hours since I went to sleep. I decide to find someone. who knows what could happen if im alone?
"Tommy?" I repeat, walking out the cabin door after I put my shoes on.
No answer. It almost seemed like the camp was dead. I walked a little bit forward. "anyone?" I muttered. I turned the corner past the cabin when I noticed Arnie running straight at me with the axe when-
I jerked up.
Im back in the cabin.
I slide myself to the corner of my bed with my knees huddling to my chest.
"hey, hey, its okay. you're safe." Tommy states, crouching next to my bed.
"im- no im not" I whimper, laying my head in my knees.
"sweetheart" he lifted himself up onto my bed, making sure not to get too close.
"can I hug you?" he asks softly.
"please." I sob.
as soon as he heard me he wrap his arms around me, hugging me tightly.
"I promise I won't let anything  happen to you." he kisses my head.
The door opens.
"hey- whoa, what happened?" Nick says as he walks into the cabin with Ziggy.
they both immediately come over to us.
"Y/n, what's going on? you've been quiet for the last week, you had a panic attack outside the mess hall, and you're suddenly only ever with Tommy. please tell us whats wrong!"
Ziggy says.
I exhale shakily, pulling myself slightly away from Tommy.
I tell them.
I tell them everything I saw.
It's silent.
Tommys arms tighten around me.
"Holy shit" Ziggy says.
Nick was silent.
"yeah, so, er, I've only been with Tommy because hes the only one I didnt see... y'know." I sigh.
"no, we get it." Ziggy comforts me.
I smile at her.
"so what can we do?" Nick looks up at Tommy and I.
"I deal, I guess, I mean there's not really anything I can do." I reply.
"no, what can we do. to help you." He corrects me.
"what do you mean?" I chuckle.
"how can we help you be okay? Like, what do you need?" He says.
I hesitate, not knowing what to say.
"nothing." I finally respond. "I just need you to be patient." I smile.
"okay." He stands up.
after awhile of talking, Ziggy and Nick trailed into their own conversation, while Tommy and I slowly sat in silence.
i exhale while laying my head down into his chest, feeling his arms crawl around my waist.
"I love you." I mutter just loud enough  for him to hear me.
I hear him chuckle.
"I love you too, baby." he leans his head into my hair. Nick and Ziggy left after awhile, Tommy stayed with me until the first activity of the day.

"Alright! So, the counselors have all created a scavenger hunt for you all to complete!" I say, avoiding looking at almost any of the shadysiders. Especially Jeremy. I continued explaining the activity and eventually they were all off to work on it.
i walk over to the side of the mess hall, sliding down the wall and sitting in the grass for afew minutes.
"Hey, how you doin'?" Tommy walked over and crouched next to me with his arm on my shoulder.
"fine." I smile up at him.
"good." he smiles back.

Sorry its so short😭
Its my birthday! :D

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