Chapter 2

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"Sunnyvalers off first!" the driver yells
We all watch as the sunnyvalers trickle off the bus, before going ourselves.

we walk over to Kurt, who is telling us what cabin we're all in.
"Y/n L/n" I say to him.
"ah, cabin five, with.." he hesitates.
"Ziggy Berman, Nick Goode, and Tommy Slater." he finishes the sentence.
"thanks" I take ziggys arm and we both leave cindy.
I walk into my new cabin and see a guy who looked around ziggys age.
"Hey Nick." ziggy says.
"oh my god, I want top bunk!" ziggy throws her things onto the top bunk of one of the empty bunk beds.
"Are you kidding?" I say, offended.
"Nope!" she smiles widely and climbs up.
"Cindy was right, you are a headache." I tease.
"hey be nice." I hear the same voice I heard on the bus. supposedly Tommy Slater, from what Kurt said. I never noticed how similar him and the guy from my school sounded.
"yeah, y/n. Grandmas are supposed to be nice!" she giggled.
"im gonna kill you." i reply laying my stuff on the bunk below hers.
she dramatically gasps
"guys. y/n just THREATENED me. ME, a child." she pretends to faint on her bed. "I can't believe I must share a cabin with her!"
"you'll survive" Tommy says putting his stuff on the other bottom bunk, as nick had already claimed the top.
"she just said she was gonna kill me, what do you mean ill survive." she laughed.
he sighs in an 'i-shouldve-thought-that-through' way.
we all laugh, and talk for awhile. the first day of camp was just to get comfortable with everyone, and everything.
"do you guys wanna go for a walk?" I offer
"sure" Tommy replies.
"eh im kinda tired." Nick sighs
"same honestly. surprised you guys aren't. I mean, with how old you are."
she sits up.
"I really hate you" I reply.
"no you don't." she smiles at me.
"you guys can go though, we're fine by ourselves." nick interupts.
"Do we trust babies alone is the real question." I said.
"I think we do, I'm bored just sitting here. if you wanna go, I'll come" Tommy stands up.
"why are you tall" I look up at him slightly.
he chuckles and starts walking out the door.
I stare for a solid 20 seconds.
"You coming?" he motions for me to follow.
"uh- yeah sure." I walk out with him.

its pretty silent as were walking around. we dont exactly have much to talk about, being as we've never met.
"so those girls from earlier, at school, did they often make fun of you like that?" he says, trying to break the silence.
"huh?" I say confused

oh you didnt- I told them to stop when they yelled at you earlier."
he tries to jog my memory.
"ohh! sorry I didn't see you." i laugh a little bit.
"so did they-" hes cut off by Cindy, who came over to see Tommy.
"Hey babe!" she hugged him.
"babe" that word echoed in my mind multiple times. I dont know why it made me feel so upset. before I knew it, I zoned out thinking about them. that word. the word Cindy called him.
"Y/n? helloooo?" Tommy was waving his hands infrong of my face.
"Huh- uh sorry." I try to sound upbeat.
"are you alright?" Cindy asks, worriedly.
"yeah. yeah im good. I'm just- gonna go back to the cabin. I'm kinda tired. haha. and I mean can't trust those two alone!" I laugh obnoxiously to sound happy. "Y/n are you sure you're-" I run off before Tommy can finish his sentence.

I walk into the cabin, and without saying a word, walk to my bed, and lay down as if im asleep.
why did that word make me feel this way? i mean, i dont like him. i cant. as long as hes with Cindy.
Nick and Ziggy were sitting on nicks bed, just talking, before I came in.
"oh hi y/n" ziggy says. "wheres Tommy?"
I groan loudly and shove my face into my pillow.
"are you okay?" Nick hesitates.
a "mhm" is muffled through my pillow.
I hear the door open and close, paired with someone rushing over to me.
"y/n are you sure you're okay?" Tommy says, kneeling down.
I look up. "yeah! I'm good, just tired. school and all." I smile.
"right.." he says, doubting I'm telling the truth.
"um.. im gonna go to the mess hall, im hungry." ziggy says.
"I'll come!" I offer.
"if you can keep up, grandma." she teases, walking out the door.
I immediately get up and chase after her, accidentally pushing Tommy.
We make it to the mess hall and get some snacks.
"okay, you ready to go back?" ziggy turns to me.
"uh, how about we stay here for afew?" I asked, I don't want to go back. what if Tommy was still there, it just feels awkward being around him.
"if you want, sure." she walks over go a table. I join her.
"so, what do you want to do this summer? y'know, being your first year here and everything." she breaks the silence.
"im not really sure, what usually happens here?" I ask, knowing shes been here afew times.
"well, you get to supervise and run afew things, cause you're a counselor, which sounds kinda fun. but every year, everyone does this thing called color war, which is basically a bunch of games to show which town is the best, it starts with capture the flag..." her voice fades into the backround as I zone out. I start thinking about the future. About Tommy. I cant stop thinking about him. he's just so perfect. but ive only known him for a day. I just have to wait to get closer to him.
"Y/n, are you even listening to me?" ziggy pushes me.
"huh? oh yeah. capture the flag" I snap my fingers, trying to cover for myself.
"Ugh. I knew you were old but God"
she lays her head on the table.
"im sorry! I was just thinking." I reply.
"about what" she peeks up.
"nothing important." I blush a little.
"well, doesnt look like nothing." she sits up straight again.
"no I swear its nothing. are you ready to go back to the cabin?" I change the topic.
"sure, let's go." she stands up.
we make our way back when we see Tommy and Cindy yelling outside of the cabin.
what could be happening?

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