Chapter 19

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After everyone returns from their scavenger hunt, afew of the counselors send them off to lunch.
After everyone went in, I get up from where I was sitting and walk over to follow.
I make my way down the center of the mess hall toward the table we all usually sit at.
"hey." I said as I sat next to Tommy, like usual.
"jeez, y/n, you look terrible." Joan scoffed from across the table.
"Hey!" Tommy defended me.
"Thanks." I smile at Joan, trying to seem even a little closer to normal.
After that everyone entirely ignored my existence, although I never really tried to be apart of the conversation. I was just there, I guess.
"Im gonna go." I stand up. "to the cabin, I mean." I add.
"You okay?" Tommy turns around to face me.
"ah-huh." I avoid looking at him, because truthfully im not okay.
"Are you sure because if you need-" I cut him off.
"yes im sure!" I blurted a little too loudly, with a little too much attitude. I stop for a second, before speeding out of the mess hall and into the cabin, falling into bed.
I lay there for what felt like forever, somehow only thirty seconds, before someone bursts in the door.
I dont move.
"What's your problem?" A male voice yells.
I sit up to look at him. Tommy.
"Tommy i-" i whisper, standing up. my voice has gone raspy.
"Seriously, you think just because....." His voices fades out. I suddenly can't hear anything. I can't feel anything. it's almost as if im not there.
I cant move anymore, as soon as I try, everything went black.
I enjoy this peacefulness, with nothing to worry about, the simple comfort in knowing I don't need to deal with anything.
I dont have any sense of time, so im not sure how long I was in this trance for but it ends eventually. once I open my eyes, I notice im not in the cabin anymore. I look around to find im in the nurses office.
"wh.." I muttered as I lifted myself up. I find its dark outside, the room is being lit by afew lamps.
I sigh as I fully sit up, rubbing my eye with one hand.
"Y/n!" Someone runs toward me.
I lift my arms up in defense.
"woah, hey, its just me." He slows to a stop. My eyes focus on him, its Tommy.
"...oh" I lower my hands and lay them on my knees.
"how are you feeling?" He smiles.
"er.. fine." I look away, toward the ground.
" sure?" He hesitates.
"yeah." I force a smile.
"okay. you ready to go back to the cabin? or wherever." he changes the subject.
"ah-huh." I stand up, following him to the door when I see a familiar book laying on one of the side tables.
I stop and stare at it.
"y/n?" Tommy walks back.
I blink and it dissapears.
"Jesus." I rub my eyes for a moment before walking out toward the cabin.
he follows.
"you sure you're okay?" he lays his hand on my shoulder as he catches up with me.
"yeah, im sorry." I sigh.
"no, its okay, I just need to know." he pulled an arm around my waist.
We walked in silence back to the cabin.
As we walked in, I tried to walk to my bed when Tommy pulled me into a hug.
"Im sorry I yelled at you earlier." he whispers.
I pull my arms around his waist.
"Its okay." I feel his arms tighten.
I pull myself away and look up at him.
"I love you" he puts his hands on my shoulders.
"I love you too." I smile.
I turn and walk to my bed, motioning for Tommy to join me.
He does so and climbs next to me.
i roll over to face him.
"you're so cute" he rubs my arm.
i blush.
"Get a room!" Nick calls from his bed.
We just laugh.
Tommy wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him.
He fell asleep soon after that, and the sounds of his his heartbeat paired with his breathing eventually soothed me to sleep aswell.

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