Chapter 7

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I wake up to the sounds of birds chirping, mixed with snoring from the others in the cabin. Its light outside now, I check the clock.
I figure Nick, Tommy and I could get up now, so I get up to change before waking them up.
as im attempting at waking them up, all I get back is a mix of groans and "I don't wanna" from both of them.
"oh fine I guess ill go cook breakfast by myself, you guys are really bad feminists." I joke walking out the door, pleased with the sounds of their beds moving and yelling.
I make my way to the mess hall, to help cook, meeting Joan at the doors.
"Hey Joan." I smile at her.
"Ohmygosh hi" she hugs me.
"how are you?" I hug her back.
"Im good, you?" she lets me go, and we make our way to the kitchen.
"im really tired. I woke up last night at like 1:45 and didn't sleep again till 2:30 ish." I reply.
we start breakfast when the doors burst open, with, none other than, Tommy Slater.
I laugh at him.
"I am not a bad feminist, ill have you know." he pushes me, playfully.
"mmhmm, says the only man in the kitchen watching the girls cook." I smile at him.
he chuckles, and helps us cook.
around 45 minutes later, Joan rings the bell to call everyone to eat.

We all grab our own servings after everyone else does, and sit at our usual table with Gary.
"So, Y/n, how do you like camp so far?" Gary breaks the silence.
"its fun. I mean I'd prefer it over being at home." I laugh.
"Why? what happens at home?" Tommy looks concerned.
"what? nothing. I just like being around people my own age. and I cant bare another summer without ziggy." I reply.
"AWH YOU MISS ME" ziggy says from behind me.
"sit down you little loser." I laugh.
Awhile later, everyone finished eating and we separated into groups to do things like chores or activities with the kids.
I was with Joan and Gary, cleaning up the kitchen from breakfast.
"so, y/n, Tommy?" Joan smirks at me while washing dishes.
I blush and go back to sweeping.
"what?" Gary looks up from drying the dishes Joan was washing.
"nothing." I reply.
Gary looks to Joan before continuing.
After around an hour we finally finished.
it was now closer to 11:30, meaning another group was cooking lunch soon. Joan, Gary and I left the mess hall to set up and supervise an activities table while lunch was being served.
by the time we finished finding everything we needed, and where to put it, most kids had already started eating.
We had around 15 minutes to set everything up.
"what are we even making them do?"
I put a box on the table we had set up.
"painting" Joan replies.
"Oh that won't be messy at all." I say, sarcastically.
"thats why we have old t-shirts and such." Gary laughs.
"oh we do" I reply.
after a while, kids started trickling over to the table.
"Okay! are we all here?" I count them. "alrighty! for this activity, you guys are gonna be painting!" I smile enthusiastically.
Joan and Gary stood behind the table with the painting supplies on it.
"You guys can just come grab whatever you need whenever." Joan motions to the table. while she's explaining more about the supplies, I look over and I find Tommy staring at me from the activity he's supervising. I give him a little wave and a smile before turning back to the kids.
"and incase you're scared of making a mess, we have some shirts you can use."
I lift the box of clothes and place it near where the kids are standing.
After afew kids went and grabbed things to start, it wasn't long before the others did aswell.
afew kids came up to the three of us asking for help with things like mixing paint and such.
"what colour are you trying to make?" I ask a kid.
"Kind of like a dark blue-green." she replied.
"so then let's start by using some green, and blue." I motion to the paint colors. the girl does what I say and mixes the 2 colors.
"then let's add the smallest bit of black." I say.
"is this good?" she puts a little bit of black in the paint.
"yep! then mix that, and you'll get the colour you want." I smile at her.
"Thank you!" She mixes the colours together.
"of course." I smile, getting up to go back to the table.
"Jeez you're gonna be better at this then all of us soon." Gary laughs.
I laugh aswell, looking back to Tommy, who was helping a team in tug of War.
I giggle at how much he was helping.
"what?" Joan looks at me.
"Huh? nothing." I smile at her.
"mhmm." she laughs
"what?" I ask.
shes about to say something when-
"Counselor Joann" A girl comes up.
"Can you help me?"
"of course!" she follows the girl.
She looks at me in a "I know what you are" kind of way.
after the kids finished all of the activities, we started cleaning up.
were all covered in paint which we laughed about for a solid 5 minutes.
it was around 3:30, meaning after we cleaned up everyone had free time till dinner.
Were all walking afew things to the arts and crafts room together now.
"Wasnt that fun" Gary says sarcastically.
"oh yeah standing around in 90 degree heat for hours while occasionally helping 9-14 year olds paint, my favourite thing do to!" I reply sarcastically.
"well atleast you got to see Tommy" Joan bumps me with her shoulder.
"no i didnt?" I look at her.
"I mean you got to look at him." she rolls her eyes.
"shut up" I put a box back in the arts and crafts room.
after we finish up cleaning its around 4.
"im gonna go to my cabin. bye guys!" I wave to them.
"Bye Y/n!" they say back.
I make my way to the cabin, Tommy walks up to me.
"he- wow. thats alot of paint." he laughs
"yeah, do you think it'll come out?" I joke.
"If you scrub hard enough theres a slight chance." he laughs.
I laugh too.
we get to the cabin and open the door to find ziggy sitting on the floor, mixing paint.
"Oh are you kidding me? I've been around paint all day and now it's in the cabin?" I say dramatically.
"you'll live." ziggy laughs.
"whats it for?" Tommy asks.
"Its a surprise." she goes back to mixing.
"if youre gonna try to "carrie" sheila, I'd suggest not doing it. you'd be kicked out of camp." I grab clothes from a drawer. "im going to change." I say walking to the bathroom.
"ugh I hate when shes right." ziggy groans.
I hear tommy laugh from outside the bathroom, I smile at how sweet he sounds.

At dinner, we're all sitting around the table in the mess hall the exact way we always do.
"Anything exciting happen today?" Joan asks to break the weirdly awkward silence.
"oh you'll never guess, i couldn't get the paint stains out of my clothes!" I say sarcastically.
"No way really?" Joan replies.
we laugh.
That awkward silence came back after that.
" you guys know when color War starts?" I ask.
"Tomorrow i think" Gary replies.
"oh lovely" I say.

After dinner, I head back to the cabin quickly to find nick, ziggy and Tommy already there.
Nick, and ziggy are laughing their asses off, while Tommy layed in his bed with a pillow over his head.
"oh Jesus." I close the door behind me. "Oh my god, finally. I couldn't bare another second of their bullshit." Tommy sits up.
"HEY" ziggy yells at Tommy.
he smiles sarcastically.
"i hate you" she turns back to nick and continues their conversation.
"Wanna go for a walk?" I ask Tommy.
"ive never been so happy to hear that sentance." he immediately stands up.
we walk out without acknowledging the others.
"what happened the other night? like why were you so upset?" Tommy asks.
"Cindy came and apologized to me." I reply. "and I felt bad for how i treated her."
"really? you shouldnt feel bad, with how she treated you." he looks at me.
"hm, wanna go sit by the lake?" I ask.
"yeah sure" he replies.
"I still can't believe she punched you and pushed you into the mud that night." he laughs.
"yeah. me either" I didn't laugh.
"You good?" he hesitantly asks.
"yeah. i just hate thinking about what happened." I reply.
"oh, whys that?" he looks at me.
"well i mean i was already suicidal, and that was like the final push ya know? but you were like a brick wall to those feelings. i really think im still here because of you." I laugh nervously. "and its like everytime I look at you I remember "that guy is the reason im alive. he's why I should keep going." and its like the best warm feeling i could ever have." I finish my rant.
i look at him, he looks like hes about to cry.
"..sorry" i look back.
he doesn't reply and just hugs me.
I hug back.
"im glad you're still here." his voice breaks.
"me too." I reply.

who knew how hard it is to type with acrylic nails on?
sorry this chapter took so long to come out! school starts tomorrow and I've been extra busy over the holidays.
hoping to get chapter 8 out soon!<3

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