Chapter 14

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"holy shit." Tommy whispered, carefully placing his hands on my shoulders to keep his balance.
"Tommy! Y/n! thank God!" Gary ran up to us. "I need you to help me get everyone to the mess hall!" he continues.
neither of us answered, both still staring at the lifeless limbs in shock.
It felt as if hours passed before we finally snapped back into reality, making sure all of the campers were safe in the mess hall. as soon as we had as many inside as we could find, Tommy pulled me toward him, wrapping his arms around me tightly in attempt of reassuring me along with himself.
we stayed like this for awhile without saying a word.
"Y/N!" I hear a voice running toward me.
"ziggy oh my god!" I turn to find the ginger girl sprinting into my arms.
she falls into me making me slip back slightly.
"Do you know what happened?" she asked, quietly.
"no, we have no idea." I rub her back.
"have you guys seen any of the other counselors?" Nick walked over. he seemed oddly calm for the situation.
"um, none other than Gary." I look at Tommy.
"I mean, we were with Arnie, Cindy, and Alice awhile ago but they're all the way out in the woods." He sat on one of the tables in the mess hall.
"okay, thats good, that means we can find them" Nick walks to Tommy to talk to him.
I pull ziggy out of my arms and crouch down to her level.
"are you okay?" I lay my hands on her shoulders.
"..yeah." she says unsurely.
"okay." I pull her into another quick hug, before making my way to nick and Tommy.
"what do we do?" I ask, obviously there's never been a killer running loose around camp.
"we were thinking one of us could go find Cindy, Alice, and Arnie, and the others could split up around camp to find all the other campers." Nick turned to me.
"right, then Gary can stay here to make sure everyone's safe here?" I ask.
"as long as hes fine with that then yes." Nick replies. "Gary! come here" He called out.
Gary did as he was asked and walked over.
"hey, you guys alright?" he asked almost immediately.
"yeah, were good." Nick replies. "do you mind staying here to make sure all the campers are safe while we all find the others?" He asked.
"uh, yeah." Gary replies.
"Good, okay Tommy, you go around cabins 1-5, Y/n, 6-10, got it?" Nick pointed at us.
"yep." I reply.
"ah-huh" Tommy says.
"Okay, here." Nick runs to a table and grabs afew flashlights being as it was getting darker quite fast. he tossed a flashlight to each of us, one to Gary aswell just incase.
"thank you" I nod to him before making my way to the door.
"Y/n, wait." Tommy called out, running to catch up with me.
"huh?" I turn around.
"be safe. please" he immediately wrapped his arms around me.
"I will, I promise." I pull my own arms around him.
he lifts my face up and kisses me quickly before running out the door.
I smile knowing that no matter what happens ill always have Tommy.
I run out the door around cabin 1.
"If anyone's out here, make your way to the mess hall quickly! colour war is over!" I called out multiple times as I made my way around different areas, occasionally having afew kids run out and off to the mess hall.
I was done with the area nick told me to check, so I decided to make my way to the mess hall to make sure everything was alright.
"Y/N!" Ziggy called out as she ran out the mess hall doors.
"what? what happened?" I ask immediately.
"Nick and I locked Sheila in the outhouse awhile ago and shes still locked in there." she ran over to me.
"Jesus christ." I reply, before turning the direction of the outhouse with ziggy following.
once we finally made it to the outhouse, ziggy opened the door, creeping inside.
"Sheila? are you still in here?" she called out cautiously.
"you bitch!" sheila said, grabbing ziggy by the hair.
"Hey!" I quickly pull them apart.
"get back to the mess hall, now." I look at Sheila.
she just stares for a second.
"Now!" I say again, pushing her slightly.
"guys! what are you doing over here?" A voice came from outside.
"Gary? aren't you supposed to be at the mess hall?" I turn.
"yeah, nick offered to stay there. what were you guys doing?" he walked closer.
"we were-" I start, interrupted by ziggy.
"wait shut up" she said.
"SHHH" She said, turning to the toilet.
"do you hear that?" Gary said.
Ziggy opened the seat hesitantly.
"HELP!!" said two voices.
"Cindy?!" Ziggy peeked through.
"Ziggy?! oh my gosh!" Cindy called through.
"What are you doing down there?" ziggy asked.
"Its kinda a long story, are you okay?" Cindy replied.
"yeah. just a second." Ziggy closed the lid, grabbing a bucket from the roof.
"whats happening?" I ask.
"my sisters in the toilet." she replies.
"theres 5 words I never thought I'd hear." I look down to the toilet.
"shut up and help." she was tying a rope and leading it down the toilet.
"Okay, climb on and we'll bring you up." ziggy called down, motioning for Gary and I to help pull the rope.
indistinct talking came from the toilet before a weight pulled down.
we pulled on the rope, attempting to get whoever was on the bucket up.
Everything was going well.
"Arnie?" Gary turned his head toward the door to find a bloody Arnie, holding a bloody axe.
without hesitation, Arnie took the axe to garys neck. Entirely cutting his head off.
ziggy and I both screamed, ziggy fell to the floor as I stood in shock.
"Y/N COME ON!" ziggy called, ducking underneath Arnies arms, grabbing my hand.
just as she pulled me out, I felt a sharp pain in my upper right shoulder.
I yelped at the pain, still running after ziggy. I hold my left hand over where the pain came from, feeling the sweater Tommy lent to me now soaked in that particular spot.
we ended up running into Nick.
"wh.. I thought you were meant to be in the mess hall?" I ask, out of breath.
"I was, but none of you came back, and-"
"okay we don't have time for this. Arnie was just behind us we have to hide somewhere or something." I interupt him.
"what? Arnie?" he looked up. "Arnie did this?"
"apperentally." I respond.
"come on then, we can go hide in the nature cabin, he wont find us." nick ran in the direction of the cabin, ziggy following, I hesitate.
I sigh, before following aswell. I'm more speed walking than running but i eventually make it, i walk in, locking the door, then going over to where they sat next to a snake exhibit.
"what took you so long? we thought you died" ziggy said.
"Im bleeding out of my shoulder, ziggy, im sorry i wasnt running" I laugh lightly.
"Wait youre what?" Nick looks at my hand, on my shoulder.
"its fine, just as long as we can make it out of here ill be fine." I slide back against a close wall.
a bell rings from the mess hall.
"theyre getting on the bus, we gotta go." nick starts.
suddenly a fist breaks through a window, unlocking the door.
"shit." Ziggy looks up.
I shove her head down.
Arnie walks in, and slowly makes his way around the room.
eventually he makes it to the spot were sitting in. as soon as he wasn't looking, we slide under the table to the opposite side.
we all stay as quiet as possible, as Arnie slashes the axe through the glass of the snake cage, setting it free.
ziggy winces as it slides through her legs.
In an instant, she was grabbed by her hair and dragged across the table. Arnie tossed her onto the ground, attempting to axe her.
Nick slid under the axe to prevent him from hitting ziggy.
she froze and stared, as I immediately got up, grabbing her and running.
we ran to see if we could catch the bus. as we made it to the entrance of camp, we find the bus had just left.
"fuck" I say, im about to cry.
"okay, shit." she turns to me.
I breathe in and out, slowly, in attempt to calm myself down.
"okay, lets go to the mess hall." I eventually say.
"right." she replies, running the direction to the mess hall.
I notice arnie is walking toward us from outside camp. how did he get here so fast?
I speed up and run after ziggy.
we run inside the mess hall, i lock the door behind us.
"Music! he wont be able to hear us if theres music on." She calls out running to a little stereo, winding it up. Instantly, carry on wayward son began playing.
she ran into the kitchen, grabbing a knife. I didn't notice she had one so I didn't even think to grab one.
we hid in seperate closets.
I slowly breathe, counting in my head.
I heard the door open, probably by Arnie, as he made his way around the mess hall to find us.
I heard the slight noise of ziggy leaving the closet she was in.
what was she doing?
I then heard the music stop, followed by the creak of the floorboard, then a stab, then a scream.
I immediately pull my self out of the closet to see what happened, to find arnie holding her against the shelves full of cleaning supplies and such.
"Ziggy!" I call out.
its almost like nothing came out of my mouth as neither of them reacted.
I leap to the ground, grabbing the knife ziggy had.
I stabbed arnie in the back, twice.
he fell.
"Jesus fucking Christ" I say.
ziggys about to say something when we hear a noise from the vent.


Sorry i took so long I was procrastinating 💕
new chapter this weekend hopefully

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