chapter 21

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Tommy and I parted ways around an hour or two ago, since we don't have any assigned activities together.
I make my way over to the lake as the "activity" I was assigned was just supervising swimming campers, Cindy was with me though. things still feel awkward with her, i mean getting punched in the face and kicked to the ground because her boyfriend liked someone else wasnt the ideal impression i wanted with her. she seems like a nice girl.
I sit down by the dock, somewhere i can see all the campers as they swim together, occasionally telling them off for things that could be unsafe.
Cindy comes and sits next to me.
"hey." she smiled
"hi" i smile in return.
its silent again, only between us i mean, the kids are still loudly yelling and talking to each other.
eventually we make conversation.
"Y/n!" Someone calls me. i look over to see the one and only, Thomas Slater running over.
"Hey Tommy." I smile.
"how are you" he crouches onto his knees next to me.
"I'm good." I affirm him. "You?"
"i am just great. i got off dishes duty early." he exclaims happily.
"so you decided to come watch the seven-year-olds swim?" I giggled.
"with you." he smiled.
"well how special am i?" i joked.
After awhile it was free time, Tommy and I went and walked to the same spot we did after id first told him about what i saw in that "dream." The place close to the mess hall. Sitting across from each other the same way we were on July 20th, 1978.
"you okay?" Tommy asks. I didnt even notice id been zoning out.
"huh? yeah." i snap back. "im all good!" I try to give him a smile.
"y/n." he doesn't believe me.
"mhm?" i nod, that same stupid smile plastered across my face.
"please talk to me" he hugs his arms around himself.
"what do you mean?" I laugh nervously.
"you know what i mean, youve been more odd than usual." he comes over and sits next to me. "i just want you to be okay."
"i am okay!" i slide away from him slightly, im not sure why i do this. i just dont want to burden him like this anymore.
"y/n, tell me whats wrong. or what isnt. tell me anything. i just need to know so i can help." he doesnt move closer to me, which oddly makes me kind of sad.
i dont say anything. i just look at the ground.
"honey.." he pulls himself toward me, his arm crawling around my shoulder.
i lean on him.
"i promise i can make this better if you let me know how you feel." hes using his councelor voice on me. he is talking to me as if im one of the nine-year-olds who hurt themself playing tag or something.
"i just dont want to be upset all the time." i start. "i want to be able to be around anyone without constantly being haunted by it." i continue, obviously referring to what i saw. "i don't know. i feel like im being dramatic. like it wasn't that big of a deal." i finish.
"hey, you arent being dramatic. i promise, if id gone through what you have id be acting the same way." he reassures me, rubbing my arm.
i dont say anything and wrap my arms around him.
he chuckles and hugs me back.
"i dont like burdening you like this. i feel like a kid." I say.
"you could never burden me." he rubs my back.
I sigh.
we sit like this for awhile. I'm not sure how long. Eventually we got up and went to the cabin.
"Y/n!!" Ziggy says as i walk in.
i jump at how loud she is.
"How are you?" she smiles.
"im good." i try to smile back.
"thats... good" she hesitates.
I lay in my bed, fully zoning out staring at the bottom of ziggys bed.
I dont even know how long this lasts but eventually i look over to see Nick, Tommy, and Ziggy all whispering together.
I decide to ignore it. I get up and walk out, I don't know why or where im going.
"Y/n!" I hear from the cabin, but i just ignore it and continue walking.

Bro rlly didnt update since April mb guys 😇

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