chapter 16

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As she jerked back, Cindy grabbed her sisters hand.
"What? what is it?" She asked.
"I- i think i just saw her." Ziggy replied.
"..who?" Cindy looks around at the rest of us.
"Sarah Fier. she was angry." Ziggy spoke.
we all exchange looks, we dont know exact what it meant, all we know is that its bad.
"the book says "the curse will last until body and hand unite." so maybe.." Alice breaks the silence
"we bury the hand with her body." Cindy says, referring to Sarah fier.
"right, and she supposedly was hanged at the tree?" I ask.
"yeah." Cindy replies.
"okay. So, I know where a shovel is. I'm not sure what els-" Ziggy cuts me off.
"I know where afew things are."
Ziggy and I leave to find things we can use to dig up Sarah fiers body.
I grab the shovel I said I knew of, and I start walking back to the main part of the mess hall when I hear a bloodcurdling scream.
Before I knew it, I sped out from the room id been in to find Alice's dead body on the ground with Arnie now standing infront of the other two.
I immediately run over, shovel in hand.
Ziggy ran in right after me.
Right as Arnie starts to walk toward them, I hit his face with my shovel, making him stumble back.
without hesitation, I push the edge of the shovel to his neck, which also pushed him against a wall.
Im continuesly adding pressure to the handle, as everyone screams behind me.
eventually, Arnies head breaks from his neck, squirting blood over my face.
"Jesus christ." I step back as I watch his cold body go limp against the wooden floor.
"Alice.." Cindy sprinted to her friend almost immediately.
she sobbed over Alice's body for afew minutes as the rest of us simply stayed in place.
Eventually, yet another noise came from the vent.
"oh my fucking god." I say as we hear clattering from inside the room.
I walk over slowly, shovel in hand, peering over into the vent.
I hear footsteps behind me, assuming its Ziggy or Tommy.
"shit, go! run!" I say as I see some gooey creature crawling out.
"Holy shit, what the fuck?" ziggy says walking backward.
"Go!" I grab her arm, dragging her out of the kitchen.
She grabs the tools she'd brought out, along with the hand bone, before making her way to the door.
"Cindy! come on!" I call out as the three of us ran out the door.
she didn't move away from Alice, or at all for that matter.
I stop to wait for her when Arnie comes out again, this time plunging his axe right into Cindy's skull.
I scream as I turn around, chasing after the other two.
I make it to the tree right after they do, immediately helping them dig up where Sarah was hanged.
As were all digging, ziggy heard a noise from the woods.
Her head perked up, finding Ruby Lane, one of the shadyside killers, walking toward us.
I notice her looking up, so I do too.
"shit." I mumble.
"Keep digging." Tommy says desperately.
I do as he asks, digging again.
Ziggy hit something and we all exchange looks before dropping our tools and grabbing whatever she hit.
"the witches forever lives." Ziggy reads off a rock she took out of the hole.
"what does it mean?" she asks.
"I.. I dont know." I reply.
"wh.. wheres the body?" she hesitated.
"I dont know." I look up at her.
We all stand up, turning to run back when we find Arnie running at us.
We look around to see afew shadyside killers all coming at the three of us.
we freeze. what are we meant to do in this situation?
"Ziggy, you bled on the bone. theyre after you." I finally say.
"what?" She replies.
"I need you both to run." I look at them.
"No!" Tommy immediately says.
"Please." I step back. "I want you both to make it out of this."
"Y/n, we won't leave you here!" Ziggy says.
"yes you will!" I reply. "ill distract Arnie, you two go back to camp and run as far as you can."
"Y/n-" Tommy starts.
"Please!" I interupt him. "I need you two to be safe. please."
they look at each other, then back to me.
"fine. we'll do it." Tommy spoke for both of them.
"thank you." I start. "maybe ill get past them and catch up with you." I smile.
they smile back.
"I love you, Y/n" Tommy says.
"I love you too, Thomas." I smile, before grabbing my shovel, running past the both of them toward arnie.
I hit him in the face with the shovel, making him stumble.
I see my best friend, and my boyfriend run by. they're actually going to do it.
I almost focused entirely on them running that I almost got myself killed.
"shit-" I say as I slide away from the axe plunging into the ground.
I kick him down to give myself an advantage, when he grabs my ankle making me fall.
I try to get back up, when I feel a sharp pain in my upper thigh. I look down to find Ruby Lane running a blade down my leg.
"fuck off" I squint, trying to kick her when suddenly everything stopped.
No, I wasnt dead, they were.
the killers had dissapeared.
"ziggy." I whisper to myself.
I launch up from the spot I was laying in.
Dispite my leg, I ran as best I could to try to find her.
"Ziggy!" I call out multiple times.
"Y/n?" I hear a familiar voice say.
"Nick! oh my god!" I gasp.
"Are you okay? where's ziggy?" He asks.
"shes- i dont know-" I say, out of breath.
"Lets keep trying to find her then." He walks forward, me limping after him.
The next few minutes was filled with her name being called about a 100 times around camp, then interrupted by the godly sounds of sirens.
"oh my gosh." I smile knowing everything will be okay soon.
"oh my gosh." nick says, significantly sadder.
"what?" I turn to him.
he doesnt say anything as he stared into a ditch next to the road by the camp entrance.
"ziggy." I froze for a split second, before sprinting over to her lifeless body.
I stare at her for a moment, inspecting the stab wounds in her stomach and her blood soaked mouth.
I fell to my knees, sobbing over her.
Everything stopped for what felt like forever. it felt like nothing happened, yet everything was happening at the exact same time. I replayed the events of the night in my head over and over.
What if we hadn't left the woods? Could we have helped Cindy and Alice? Could any of them have lived? What if Gary didn't come check the outhouse? What if Alice hadn't been in the exact spot she was in? what if Arnie didn't come to camp this year?
"y/n!" My thoughts were interrupted.

"wh- Cindy?"

A/n xx

I need to not procrastinate anymore pls
I have a good idea for the rest of the plotline so hopefully I won't take a week to put chapters out LOL

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