Chapter 15

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Gore warning for this Chapter

A noise came from the vent. we both hesitantly looked at each other.
I slowly walk over to the vent, making sure to be as quiet as possible.
suddenly, a very dirty Cindy Berman pops out.
"Jesus, Cindy!" I gasp, relieved.
she greets me quickly, before running to ziggy.
I slide down the wall, happy everything's done and over with for right now. I can relax for a minute or two.
"ah, fuck." I wince, accidentally adding too much pressure on my shoulder against the wall.
"what? whats wrong?" Cindy said, her and ziggy made their way over to me.
"my shoulder." i manage to get out, leaning forward.
"let me see." Cindy slowly slid the soaking sleeve off my arm.
"holy shit" she whispered.
I chuckle lightly at her reaction.
suddenly, we hear quickened footsteps approaching from the door of the mess hall.
we all silently attempt to hide, i pulled myself behind a wall as fast as I could. my heart was racing, as I tried to control my breathing.
Although arnies lifeless body was right next to us, you never know if someone else was there.
The eerie feeling dwelled in the air as the footsteps slowed once they got to Arnies body.
"oh god." a familiar male voice whispered, his low brittle voice echoed in my head once I realized who it was.
I was filled with a rush of relief as I turned the corner of the wall i was hiding behind to face him.
"Tommy.." I smiled, admiring the teenage boy infront of me. Admiring his beautiful blonde hair, his light blue eyes which softened as he saw me. I watched him immediately sprint to me from across the room, wrapping his arms around me as tight as he could.
I felt his lips turn to a smile as he burrowed his head into my hair.
I hear footsteps creep out from where the others were hiding, I can tell they're staring at Tommy suffocating me in his arms.
"okay, can I breathe?" I giggle, as he loosens his grip. he slides me back slightly to look at me.
he stares, studying me for afew everlasting moments before noticing my bare bloody shoulder.
"Holy shit, what happened? are you okay?" he pulled my arm into his grasp, forcefully turning me sideways so he could see.
"um, he came into the outhouse while ziggy and I were there." I look at my shoulder, I hadn't even seen it till now.
I gag at the pulsating slice in my skin.
"hey, its okay. don't look at it, we can cover it and it'll all be okay, okay?" he reassured me.
"yeah, I know." I look at the floor, arm over my mouth and nose to attempt at keeping the rotten scent away.
"okay, hang on i think there should be a first aid kit somewhere." Tommy walked off to find one.
"Oh, i know where it is!" Cindy called out, running off to grab it.
Tommy led me out to the main part of the mess hall, ziggy following.
we sat at one of the tables, Tommy behind me with the first aid kit Cindy brought back.
"okay, can you grab me a wet cloth?" Tommy asks Cindy as she walked back.
she nodded and went off to get one quickly.
Tommy took it from her when she returned.
"okay, this is gonna hurt like a bitch." Tommy warned, moving my hair out of the way.
"okay." I replied in a monotone voice.
he quickly pushed the cloth onto the wound, holding it there for afew seconds.
I yelped slightly when it first touched me.
"sorry." he rubbed my other shoulder with his other hand.
after he removed the cloth, he pulled a gauze out from the kit, along with bandaging tape.
"Ready?" he asked.
"have been for awhile." I laugh.
He lays the gauze over the split, holding it there for a second, before wrapping the tape under my arm, and up around to the gauze again.
he does this afew times to make sure it won't fall off or anything.
"okay, now wh-" Ziggy starts, but is interrupted by yet another noise from the vent.
"are you kidding" I let my head hang back.
"I got it" Cindy walks over slowly.
silence, until.
"Alice!" we hear Cindy call out, filling us all with reassurance.
We hear the indistinct chatter of Cindy and Alice.
Afew seconds later, the two girls walk out of the seperate room, sitting at the table as Alice pulls out a hand bone.
"ew what is that?" Ziggy says.
"Sarah Fiers lost hand." Alice replies, looking up at her.
She explains how she found it, as ziggy carefully slides the bone toward herself.
what she didn't notice, was her blood dripping from her nose to the bone.
She jerked back, gasping while wiping her nose quickly.
She looked like she'd just seen a ghost.

I need to stop making inaccurate estimates gn

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