Chapter 13

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we walked over to where Jeremy was, a.k.a the Sunnyvale Jail, to find Jeremy sat all alone in the building.
"hey, kid" I call out.
"huh? Counselor y/n!! Hi!" his eyes lit up, as he ran over to hug me.
"Hi! how's your finger?" I kneel down to his level.
"its better! it doesn't hurt as much anymore." he replies.
"thats good, how's the game going?" I ask.
"well, I'd say good but I haven't seen a single camper since it started." he looks down.
"awh, well thats okay! im sure it'll turn around soon." I smile at him.
"yeah, I hope so. afew of the other campers were saying we could be the first Shadysiders in history to win a color war!" he looked up, smiling.
"yeah! absolutely." I raise my hand to high five him.
"Well, we'll leave you to it then!" I stand back up. "good luck!"
"Okay! Thank you!!" he runs back to the cabin to wait for any sunnyvalers.
"I cant believe my presence was ignored that entire time." Tommy looked at me, hands on his hips.
"well maybe if you inserted yourself into the conversation" I smile at him.
"lets go to the cabin? I'm bored." he asks.
"Sure." I reply, as we both walk off.

We walk into the cabin, finding Ziggy and Nick sitting together, just talking.
as soon as we walk in they stop and stare.
"...hi..." I finally say.
"...hey..." Ziggy replies.
"I dont even wanna know." I grab Tommys hand and walk back out.
he chuckles and let's me drag him out.
"well, cabins out, where else could we go?" I stop and turn to him.
"I have no clue. theres the lake but i feel like thats too open." He replies.
"ah so you wanna be alone?" I joke.
"I mean we're supposed to be supervising colour war, if someone caught us sitting entir-" I cut him off.
"okay okay, jeez, dont mansplain me." I laugh, he laughs too.
"how about we go for a walk around the boundaries of color war, then if someone tries to stop us we can argue were supervising." i ask.
"that might work, why not." he replies.
"great! off we go then" I start walking, he follows.
he wraps his arm around me, pulling me close as we talked.
we were talking about our favorite music when someone came yelling at us.
"Y/N, TOMMY, COME HELP ME PLEASE." Cindy called out as she ran up to us.
"whats happening?" Tommy asks.
"Arnie and Alice found some book, they're off to find the witches house. can you guys help me to make sure they're safe? I think they're high or something and I jus-" I cut her off
"yeah, sure, where did they go?"
"over here, come on!" she waves us along as she runs toward the woods.
I remove Tommys arm from my shoulder, to run after Cindy, him following.

we finally caught up to them afew minutes later.
"Jesus, guys, what the hell are you doing out this far?" I say as we make our way over to where theyre standing.
"hey y/n" Alice laughed as she turned to me, grabbing my face. "whatcha doin'" she continues.
"okay, lets go back to camp now." I pull her hand away.
"you go ahead. I'm gonna find the witches house!" she yelled.
"no, you're not, come on." I reply.
"youre so boooring." she turns and faces arnie, hes staring at the ground.
"hey look! there it is!" she runs off toward whatever she thought she found, arnie snapping back into reality and joining her.
"oh my fucking god, ALICE!" I yell before chasing after her.
"you guys seriously couldn't have helped me at all?" I ask Cindy and Tommy.
"I didnt know how!" Tommy replied.
"right." I didnt believe him.
"HONEST!" he says, offended.
"Whatever" I reply, when we finally catch up to Alice.
"woah.." she peeks through a basement in the ground. "y'think she's down there?"
"I highly doubt it." I reply.
"well lets check." she excitedly hops down the stairs.
"you've got to be joking." I sigh.
"well I mean why not." Arnie follows Alice.
"Jesus christ." I turn to the others.
"we could just go back..." Tommy looks at the ground.
"thats like leaving nick and ziggy alone, not happening." I smile.
"oh god we left them alone." he holds his head in his hands dramatically.
"okay, lets follow them." Cindy interupts. "then after they're satisfied we can go back to camp."
"alrighty." I reply, walking down the steps slowly.
"Alice? Arnie?" I call out. "guys?"
"Boo!" Alice jumps out, pushing me slightly.
"Jesus christ!" I jump back.
she laughs.
"thats not funny." I sigh.
"mhmmmm" she replies.
"guys look! there's a tunnel." Arnie points out an extending point in the basement.
"oh god." I say.
"hey, we seriously can go back if you want, its their problem if they get lost in here." Tommy put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
"I mean I don't want to leave them, but then again I really dont wanna be here." I reply, putting my hand on his.
"then its settled, Cindy? were gonna go back to camp. its getting cold and someone forgot a jacket." he turns his gaze up to a curious Cindy Berman.
"oh, okay, ill stay back to keep an eye on these two." she smiled, waving at us as we walked back up the stairs.
"thank you." I finally say.
"for what? not making you stay somewhere you don't want to?" he replies.
"...yeah.." I hesitate.
he scoffed. "I love you too much to do that to you." he puts his arm around me.
I look up at him, smile on my face.
"I love you too." i finally reply.
"I know." he kisses my forehead.
we laugh for a second, before continuing walking silently back to the cabin.
"lets hope theyre not making out or something." I joke.
"oh that's a fun image" he laughs.
"you're welcome" I laugh too.
we walk into the cabin, finding it empty.
"oh no, we lost them." I say almost immediately.
"oh god." he chuckles.
"well now we have 2 choices" I walk over to my bed, sitting on it. "we can go find the little insects and hope they haven't done too much damage to the camp." I begin.
"or?" Tommy sits next to me.
"or we can enjoy our alone time." i look at him.
"hmmm, tough decision." he looks back at me. "im gonna have to go with-" hes cut off by a scream.
"what the fuck" I stand up, walking toward the door.
"maybe we shouldn't go with the second option." he chuckles lightly.
"yeah, let's go find them." I open the door, about to leave, when Tommy grabs my hand.
"huh?" I turn to him.
"jacket." he replies, holding one of the zip-up sweaters he brought to camp.
"oh yeah" I grab it, slipping my arms through the sleeves. "thanks babe." I smile.
he grabs my face, kissing me quickly before grabbing my arm, dragging me outside.
"now where would they be?" I ask.
"im not sur- wait! there they are! I wonder why there's a so many people over there." he points to the sunnyvale jail, which did indeed have a large group of people crowding around the entrance.
"lets make sure everything's okay?" Tommys grip tightened.
"yeah." I allow myself to let go of his hand, before running off to the building.
"ziggy! hey, what happened?" I grab her as she tried to run away.
"J-jeremy he-" she couldn't get anything else out of her mouth.
"hey, its okay." I pull her into a hug to reassure her.
she shook in my arms as I rubbed her back in attempt to calm her down.
Nick ran over, putting his hand on Ziggys shoulder, to which she responded with falling out of my arms and into his.
I looked up at Tommy, he looked down at me.
without saying a word we ran over to the entrance, which still had a good 15 kids surrounding it, plus Gary who was trying to get them all away.
"Gary! what hap-" I froze when I saw it. Jeremy's dismembered body.

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