Chapter 11

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We walk around, im mostly the one talking. I feel like Tommys a guy I can talk to about anything without it damaging our relationship in any way.
"..and right as I was walking up to the-" I stop, turning my head to him.
I smile at him when I realize he's been looking at me rather than where he was going.
"you always stare like that?" I flick his forehead.
he flinches back. "yeah, get used to it." he dramatically leans backward.
we laugh.
"COUNSELOR Y/N!! HELP!!" a voice yells from behind us.
"huh-" I spin around to find a camper, Jeremy running toward us.
"Jeremy? whats up?" I crouch down to his level.
"I got a paper cut!" he runs into my arms.
"oh no, where is it?" I pull him away so he can show me.
he doesnt say anything and lifts up his left hand, pointing his index finger out.
"alright, let's go to nurse lane and get you a bandaid, huh?" I smile at him.
"okay" he sniffles.
"come on, ill see you in a bit Tommy?" I wave to him, as I get up off the ground.
"yeah, be safe" he waves back before running off to who knows where.

eventually, Jeremy and I made it to nurse lanes office.
"Nurse lane?" I call out to the empty room.
"is she here?" Jeremy looks up at me.
"she usually is." I reply, going to walk around in attempt to find her.
"What did you need? sorry I was busy." Nurse lane came out of nowhere, making me jump.
"Jesus christ. um, Jeremy here got himself a paper cut. could he get a bandaid?" I ask her. something seems off.
"Oh, of course." she says walking over to a drawer, grabbing an orange bandaid out.
"here we are." she walks over to Jeremy, kneeling down to wrap it around his finger.
"Thank you Ms. Lane, Thank you Counselor y/n!" he smiles, and runs off outside.
I smile and begin to walk outside aswell, until I hear something fall from inside the office.
i spin around to find Nurse Lane on the ground scrambling to pick up a book i assume she dropped.
i notice on the page theres something labled as "the witches mark."
"you.. okay?" I hesitate, still somewhat fixated on the page.
"um.. yeah. run along." she made sure not to make eye contact with me it was almost like she was embarassed of it, not the fact she dropped it, but the page it landed on.
"right." I walk away.
I wonder what the witches mark is supposed to be. I heard that her daughter went crazy and was supposedly possessed by the witch, but I never really believed it. I think something just snapped or she just went crazy. I mean whatever if some people think a dead witch is possessing people then so be it but it just sounds stu-
my thoughts were interrupted when i bumped into someone.
"oh shit, sorry-" I look up to see the one and only, Thomas Slater.
"well look who it is" he smiles down at me, before kissing my forehead.
"hi" I smile back. "what'cha up to? i continue.
"I was looking for you actually. Is Jeremy okay?" he asks.
"oh yeah, just a paper cut." I reply. "cute of you to worry so much." I say smiling.
"oh im so cute for making sure a camper is okay" he waves his hands around infront of him sarcastically.
"pssh. come on, freak, dinner should be soon." I grab his hand to make sure hes walking with me.
"jeez, y/l/n, calm down" he almost trips over.
He caught up with me and pulled his hand away from mine, before wrapping his arm around my waist, looping his fingers around the belt loops on my shorts.

We make it to the mess hall, finding everyone already there, eating dinner. it felt like as soon as we walk in everyone went silent.
"...woah." Joan turned toward us.
it was super awkward having all eyes on us. i dont know why its such a big deal.
we walk over to the table, sitting where we usually did.
"so are we just ignoring... this?" Gary waves his hand around us.
Tommy and I look at him.
"yes yes, wow, Y/n y/l/n and Tommy Slater are dating!! what a surprise!!" Tommy said, pushing gary slightly.
we all laugh. The room refilled with conversations. it sounded like something happened to Arnie, one of the other counselors. i heard little snippets from the kids talking about how Nurse Lane attacked him sometime between when I had left her office and now.
"oh right, do any of you guys know what the witches mark is?" the conversations about Nurse Lane reminded me of the book i saw.
"the what? whered you find something like that?" Nick replies.
"oh I went with Jeremy to get him a bandaid earlier and Nurse Mary had a book with something called "the witches mark" on it. im just curious." i reply.
"hm, im not sure." he almost looks nervous, but before i can say anything Kurt interupts with some speech about colour war and how sunnyvale is going to beat shadyside again. I didnt pay much attention.
I dont care all too much about colour war anyway, ill probably just hangout with Ziggy, or Tommy.

After he finished his speech, Tommy and I left to help grab stuff out for the first game, capture the flag. I think I remember how they play it from whatever ziggy told me on the first day of camp.

"hey, y/n, can you grab those?" Tommy motions toward the blue and red flags on the floor.
"yeah." I reply, making my way over to them. i cant help but think about Arnie. Like, why did she attack him? did he do something? that doesnt seem like something he would do.
"you okay?" Tommy asks.
"hm? yeah, of course. lets just get this over with, yeah?" I reply, walking out the door, Tommy following.

longish chapter to make up for taking so long💔💔
Happy February !!

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