Chapter 17

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"Wh.. Cindy?" I look up to find her standing there, suddenly I notice its the middle of the day.
Im sitting in my cabin again, on my bed.
"Are you okay?" She continues.
"im- what?" I stand up, looking around.
I immediately look at my hands for a reality check.
5 fingers on each hand, all in the right order.
"what the fuck." I whisper.
"what?" Cindy walks over, holding my shoulder.
I start feeling around the cabin.
"what happened? what happened to Arnie. And ziggy! is she okay? oh my gosh I didnt even find Tommy-" I ramble in fear.
"Y/n! what are you talking about? what couldve happened to them?" She interupts me.
"i-" I cup my hands around my face.
"can you just give me afew minutes?" I ask.
"...yeah, come find me when you're ready." she sighs before turning and leaving the room.
I collapse back into my bed, crying.
"what just happened? was it real? it had to have been. I saw Arnie cut off Gary's head, I saw him murder my friends. I know it was real."
I think to myself.
and then I remember.
My shoulder had been split open earlier in the night.
Before I know it, I run to the bathroom mirror, holding my hair away from my shoulder.
My shoulder has nothing on it.
Its absolutely clear.
Did I just go through all of that for nothing?
I fall against the wall behind me, sliding down to the floor.
I hold my forehead in my hand leaning back, almost sobbing my eyes out.
I dont know how long I've been like this, but soon enough the door swings open and a brightly colored Tommy Slater runs in.
"Y/n?" he calls out.
I dont answer.
"Oh, y/n!" he notices me and runs over, crouching to his knees.
"what happened?" he asks softly.
I look up at him tearfully.
"oh honey.." he pulls me into a hug, as I sob in his arms.
"shh, its okay. I'm right here." he whispers.
we stay like this for awhile, until I finally calm down enough to try to explain whatever happened.
I pull back from him when im ready.
"um.." I look down.
"take your time." he holds onto my hand.
"I had this like... dream I guess, if you can call it that. I mean it felt real, like, I genuinely thought It was happening." I start. "and um.." this is the hard part, how am I meant to tell my boyfriend that I just witnessed one of his friends brutally murder everyone?
It gets easier once I start to talk about it, once I started I didnt stop till I was done.
"And then I heard Cindy call my name so I looked up and then I was here." I continued. "I dont know what it was, or why it happened, but it was fucking mortifying." I finished.
he didnt say anything.
I looked up at him.
He was just staring at me.
"Tommy?" I say softly.
"why the hell would someone put you through that." He finally says.
"I dont think it was a person." I chuckle lightly.
"okay fine, why would you be put through that" he corrected himself.
"I dont know." I look back down.
"okay, here's what were gonna do." he started. "were going to get you into bed, and im going to get you water and something to eat." he grabbed my hands, lifting me up off the floor.
"Sound good?" he looked me in my eyes.
I smiled.
"I dont think I need to lay down, Tommy." I laugh.
"Are you kidding? you were just traumatized! take afew hours!" he wraps his arm around me, walking me to my bed.
I smile. I'm safe again. safe with Tommy.
he sits me down in my bed, before making his way to the door.
"oh yeah, why were you in the bathroom when I came in?" he asked.
"well I told you I had injuries so I wanted to see if they were there." I reply, laying back in my bed.
"and?" He peeked over to try to see my shoulder.
"nothing. its gone." I lay my head back.
"huh." he looked toward the door. "well ill be back with something for you to eat. I won't be long." he smiled before closing the door, running off.
I lay there for afew minutes, just thinking. Mostly about how the hell im supposed to just go about my days as if I didn't watch my friends be murdered, but also, what if I'm sent back? what if I have to live through that again?
What if-
"im back!" Tommy opens the door holding a plate of some food from I assume today, along with a cup of water.
"thank you." I smile, sitting up.
"only the best." he hands both things to me.
"is it weird if I ask what day it is?" I take a sip of the water he got me.
"Not at all, July 20th 1978." he answers.
"a day after." I reply.
"hm?" he looks at me, confused.
"Arnie killed everyone on July 19th." I look up at him. "in my dream.. thingy"
"well, we survived!" he joked.
I laugh.
I finish eating afew minutes later.
"how are you feeling?" Tommy asks.
"fine. I mean, I don't wanna puke my guts out anymore." I smile.
"great image, thank you." he scrunches his face in disgust.
"only the best!" I quote him.
he scoff-laughs.
"can we go for a walk?" I ask.
"if you promise to rest when we get back." he replies. "I dont think you should be doing alot right now."
"I'll be fine." I get up. "what time is it?"
"it is... 4:30. so dinners in around a half hour." he replies.
"hm so I guess ill get to have dinner before I sleep." I laugh.
"lucky you!" he laughs.
we both walk out the door, just looping around where we usually do.
"Y/n! are you okay?" Cindy runs up to us.
"yeah. I'm good. sorry about earlier." I reply.
"no, youre good, just as long as you're okay." she smiles.
I smile back.
"can I know what was wrong?" she asks.
"can I tell you later?" I look down.
"yeah, of course!" she replied. "I've gotta go now anyway, i told Joan I'd go swimming with her." she said, running off.
Tommy and I giggle before continuing around the camp.
"do you think there's a chance of it happening again?" I ask, kind of quietly.
"no! I won't let it happen again." he pulled his arm around my waist.
I smile.
"Thank you." I lean my head sideways into his chest.
We found a place to sit down, not far from the mess hall, for awhile.
we sat across from each other.
"can I tell you something?" I ask.
"of course." he replies.
"in my dream, Nick seemed really calm about everything. like you know when you play a prank on someone and you have to act like you didn't know what was happening? he seemed calm like that." I look up at him.
"really?" he tilted his head.
"yeah, and its weird because the other day when I was talking about nurse Mary's book he seemed nervous." I continued.
"when?" Tommy said.
"the other day? at lunch? after Jeremy got a paper cut?" I say, confused.
"yeah, you never said anything about nurse Mary that day. you kinda just sat there quietly." he said.
"what? I remember talking quite a bit.
Nick was scared when I brought up Mary's book." I laugh.
"you never brought up any book." he said.
"really? I wonder when I was taken into that dream then." I said.
"wait, you think you could've been there for longer than just the night?" he sat forward.
"well maybe. i guess whenever I was quiet was when I wasn't actually there." I sigh.
"thats fucking weird." he stood up. "dinner is gonna be ready soon, you ready?" he held his hand out.
"yeah." I take it, pulling myself up.
"so nurse lane never attacked Arnie?" I ask, swinging our hands as we walked.
"what kind of question is that?" he laughs.
"im just making sure!" I laugh too.
although I know im not okay, I feel okay when im with Tommy.
eventually we made it to the mess hall, where everyone was already eating. I exhale.
"you okay?" he pulled me close to him.
"mhm." I reply.
we sit at our regular spot at the table, but today Alice and Arnie decided to join us.
just what I needed.
I decide to just eat and try to leave as soon as possible.
"Are you okay, Y/n?" Arnie asks just when no one at the table is talking.
"huh? um, yeah." I look up at him. "im gonna go. I'm kinda tired." I say immediately getting up and almost running out of the mess hall, stopping at a tree.
I start hyperventilating. I cant deal with being around him. I slide down to my knees.
"Y/n!" Tommy ran over to me, pulling me into his arms.
"I can't." I managed to say.
"its okay, y/n, im here." he turned me to face him, imitating breathing exercises. I copy him.
once im calmed down enough to breathe normally, I let myself fall into him.
He doesn't say anything, but rubs my back to try to help me calm down.
"Y/n!" Ziggy runs over. "hey, whats wrong?" she continues.
I slide away from Tommy, to look at her.
"I promise ill tell you everything later, right now I need to just take afew minutes." I say, still with labored breath.
"okay. can I do anything to help?" she asked.
"no. I'm okay, I just need a little bit." I smile at her.
"okay." she stood up, slowly walking back to the mess hall.
"here, lets get you back to the cabin." Tommy helps me up, before walking me back to the cabin.
"thank you." I say, pulling myself into my bed.
he smiled.
"will you stay?" I ask.
he smiles wider, pulling himself next to me.
"of course." he wraps his arms around my waist.
"thank you for being there for me." I say.
"only the best."


Yippee new plot!!!
im actually kinda proud of this chapter😋
pls lmk if this is still interesting or if I should just drop it LMAO
its also 1am and I have school tomorrow UH OH

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