Chapter 20

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The next morning I wake up consumed in Tommy's arms.
I laugh quietly, trying to pull his arms away from me.
"what the heck" he tightens his arms around me.
i smile.
"we need to get up." I continue trying to escape.
"mmm, how do you know that?" he groans.
"the sun is out." I finally make it out of his grasp.
"c'mon" I climb over him.
He groans again, i pull the blanket off of him in attempt of getting him up.
"I hate you" he rolls over.
"damn, now lets go." I grab a change of clothes.
"okaayy" he finally sits up as I walk into the bathroom to change.
Nick and Ziggy were already up. ive decided to entirely focus on my job as a counselor instead of what happened. i shouldnt make it that big of a deal.
"Come on y/n!" Tommy called after afew minutes.
"Okay!" I reply, walking back out. i changed into a pair of blue jean shorts and a striped tank top.
"you look nice" Tommy smiles once he sees me. i grab my hairbrush to fix my hair.
"dont i always." I say, sarcastically.
he laughs.
"okay, you ready?" I ask once i finish detangling my hair. notice hes changed too. hes wearing a black tank top and a pair of blue jeans.
"yeah." he replies. "were on lunch duty"
"I know" I frown.
"we'll survive" he chuckles, opening the door.
"unless i shove your head onto the stove" I say, joking. I follow him out.

Eventually we make it to the mess hall where we met Joan on our way in.
"Hey!" she calls out to me once she sees me.
"Oh, hi!" I call back running to see her.
"how are you?" she pulls me into a hug.
"good, good, and you?" I hug back.
"I'm great!" she let me go. "hey Toms"
"ive asked you like, a million times to stop calling me that." he scoffs.
"I know, thats why its funny." Joan replies as we all walk inside.
"what are we making today?" I ask.
"like, grilled cheese or some shit."
"atleast its easy." I smile.
we make it into the kitchen and begin cooking.
about 45 minutes later we finally finished, and began serving it out.
Once everyone else had sat down, the three of us went and joined them.
"hi" I said as I sat down at the regular table. Everyone greeted me, before continuing their conversations.
I smile at Tommy as he sits down, recieving a response of an even wider smile and a blush-look-away from him in return.
"what?" I shove his arm.
"you're just so cute." he laughs.
I smile, leaning my head onto his arm.
He slides his arm around me, pulling me close to him.
"I cant stand this behavior." Nick rubs one hand on his face, the other pointing at us dramatically.
"good thing you're sitting." I smile.
"I need you to stop" he laughs.
I laugh aswell.
Nick and I talk till i finish my food.
Hes about to say something when Tommy interupts him.
"were leaving, we have something to do." He stood up, grabbing my hand.
"No we dont-" I start. Tommy gives me a look saying "can we please leave?"
"Oh, right! sorry I forgot. see you guys later!" I stand up, walking off with Tommy.
After we leave the mess hall, i finally break the painful silence.
"You okay?" I ask.
"Yeah. yeah, sorry, i just got bored." he snickered.
I dramatically gasp.
"I can not believe this."
We laugh.
I'm finally starting to feel safer again.

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