chapter 3

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As ziggy and I make it to the cabin, we find Cindy and Tommy yelling at each other. we slowly approach them.
"whats going on?" I ask, genuinely.
Cindy turns to me, tears in her eyes.
"oh perfect timing!" she slowly walks toward me.
"Cindy just leave it." Tommy tries to stop her. she puts her hands on my shoulders. "Listen, Y/n, I really hope you enjoy your life. I hope you enjoy being a homewrecker, and the reason I had to leave my boyfriend." she pushes me onto the ground, and walks away.
"what the fuck just happened?" I start to pick myself up.
"Cindy just broke up with me." Tommy said, frozen in place. as if he couldn't comprehend what had happened to him.
"why?" ziggy asked.
"well uh-" Tommy looked at the ground.
"Did you hurt her?" she asked almost immediately.
"No! I mean- i didnt mean to- I just wasn't thinking and i-" he sighs and continues.
"I told her something I shouldn't have." he cups his face with his hands.
"im sure she can forgive you." I try to make him feel better.
"what exactly did you say?" says ziggy
"um. I'd rather not repeat it.." he says.
ziggy is about to start talking when the cabin door opens. "what are you guys doing out here? the suns about to set and its gonna get cold." Nick motions for us to go inside.
once were inside, Tommy sits on his bed, head in his hands. it looked like he was about to cry. I decide to try to comfort him.
"its gonna be okay" I sit next to him.
"im sure she'll come around." I made sure to speak softly, just incase.
I put my hand on his back.
"but she won't. I know she won't. I'm sure of it." he starts crying a little.
"shh, whatever you said, she'll understand if you explain what you were thinking." I reply.
"but thats the thing, I wasnt thinking. I just spoke." he turned over to me and fell into my arms, almost sobbing at this point.
I wrap my arms around him.
"maybe if you tell her you didnt mean what you said. that you just spoke without thinking." I speak softly.
he doesnt answer and just cries.
I look up at ziggy and nick, who have just been stood there the whole time.
"im gonna go find my sister and make sure she's okay.." ziggy says. "I'll come with you." nick offers. and they both walk out. leaving me and Tommy alone, the silence filled by his cries.
"I just- i know I wasn't happy with her." he finally says "I don't know why im so upset. its not like I want her back. I really dont." he sits up.
"I told her I liked someone else." he sighs. "and I do. I just don't know why I told her that." he stands up, and paces around the room, while just going on about how much he regrets ever getting with Cindy. I try to focus and listen, but I keep getting lost. i find myself zoning out, watching his figure move around as he went on and on.
"and its like she only loved me because I wasn't like her old friends, I wasn't like Alice or Arnie. I feel like she only dated me because she wanted to fit in and- ....Y/n?" he realized I was focused on his body moving, rather his words.
"huh? yeah?" I snap back.
he sighs, then chuckles.
"youre so cute." he says, quietly.
"really?" I say, before I realize I wasn't supposed to hear that.
"i- uh-" he goes red.
we both laugh.
I hear footsteps approaching, fast, before the door swings open.
"Well! im glad to see you've moved on." Cindy shouted out.
Y/n. I need to talk to you." she motions for me to go with her.
"Now!" she yells back.
"oh christ." I stand up and follow her.

"listen, I know he likes you." she pretends to smile "but I hope you know he only dated me because I was pretty. he doesnt care about you. he probably actually hates you. I mean who wouldn't. you stole him from me." she has tears in her eyes.
"I mean, if he only dated you for your looks, maybe Im doing you a favor." I say.
"excuse me?" she walks closer to me.
"you deaf?" I step back.
she punches me in the face, making my nose bleed slightly.
"Fuck you, Y/n." she says gritting her teeth.
"awh, wont that be "your" boyfriends job?" I laugh and start to walk away.
"are you serious?" she pushes me into the mud. "you're so funny. I already said he doesnt even like you. he didnt care about me. why would he care about you? you aren't special." she laughed, and stood over me.
I kick her ankles, making her trip, before standing up and jogging back to the cabin, covered in mud.
as I walk in, the others are surrounding me with "oh my god your nose!" and "what happened?"
I chuckle a bit. "let me breathe"
"WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING THIS IS SERIOUS." ziggy puts her hands on my shoulders.
"no, not really." I smile "look now your hands are covered in mud."
"eugh, what happened?" she stepped back.
"can I change first?" I giggle.
"duh." ziggy says
"but like, are you okay?" Tommy interupts.
"yeah? why wouldn't I be?" i say, confused.
"your nose is bleeding so uh" He replies.
"oh yeah I forgot." I giggle.
"you seem to have alot of energy, Y/n, are you sure everything's okay." nick asks.
"yes for the last time. now ill be back. I'm getting changed." I say, walking to the bathroom.
"okay.." Tommy calls out as I shut the door.
why was that so exhilarating? i feel so hyper, like i could run a marathon.

"I swear if Cindy hurt her- or even plans on it- im gonna-" I cut Tommy off when I walked out of the bathroom.
"hi" I say, with alot less energy than when I went into the bathroom. Its weird. i feel more tired.
"okay now im confused. you were so energetic when you went to change, now you look half dead." nick says.
"oh yeah im full of surprises." i joke, rubbing underneath my eyes.
"okay, y/n, what happened." Tommy looks genuinely concerned.
I sit on my bed, Tommy sits next to me, with nick and ziggy across from us.
"Well..." I explained everything to them. they all listened carefully.
"and then she pushed me into the mud. hence why my clothes were covered in it." I finished
"are you fucking serious" Ziggy says.
"someone should knock some sense into her." says Nick.
"I volunteer." Tommy replies.
we all laugh.
"we should get to bed. its pretty dark already." I offer.
"really? you're being responsible? over summer break? maybe you ARE old." ziggy laughs at me.
"im just tired." I say.
"noo we should stay up as long as we can." ziggy begs.
"i will" nick agrees.
"sure. but if you get too tired, you can go to sleep y/n." he assures me.
I blush.
"okay fine."
"YAY!" ziggy cheers.

around 1:00AM, everyone is still awake. though no one has moved around, we're all in the same places we were earlier. without even noticing I start dozing off, leaning on Tommy's shoulder. I end up falling asleep there.
I wake up when he gets up to go to bed.
"huh?" I yawn.
"oh, shit sorry. I didnt mean to wake you up." Tommy whispers.
"no dont worry." I notice the others are already asleep.
"did you fall asleep already?" I ask
"no, I just didn't want to wake you up. obviously, I failed." he giggles.
"hm" I laugh aswell.
he sits down on his bed.
"how are you feeling? like your nose i mean." he asks.
"well im not bleeding so." i reply.
he laughs.
I suddenly feel really cold.
"eugh. did you feel that?" i shiver.
"feel what?" he asks.
"the cold wind that just came through?" I reply.
"uh.. no?" he says.
he suddenly gets up and feels my shoulder, as im hugging them.
"oh you are cold." he flinches.
I laugh.
he pushes me over to make me lay down, and pulls the blanket over me.
"better?" he smiles.
"ish." I reply.
"okay wait." he climbs over, into my bed and lays next to me, under the blanket.
"how about now?" he asks.
"I guess we'll see." I blush. i close my eyes, and attempt at falling asleep.
i know its weird, but i feel like he doesnt like me in the way Cindy said. I only said those things because I knew itd make her mad.
maybe she was lying, and just trying to embarass me.

Future A/n

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