Chapter 10

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After we all finish lunch, nick comes up to me.
"can we talk?" he says pulling me aside from the others.
"hm? yeah sure. whats up?" I ask.
"um, its about Tommy." his voices lowers to a whisper.
"oh? is everything okay?" I look over my shoulder to the blonde boy. he was already looking at me.
I smile and give a little wave, and he does the same.
"um, can you talk to him? like really talk to him, like a full deep conversation y'know?" he asks, drawing my attention back to him.
"yeah, of course. is there something wrong?" I say worriedly.
"No, no, i just think he needs someone to talk to." he hesitates.
"right. ill do that then." I giggle.
"thank you." he smiles and drifts off to who knows where.
i make my way over to Tommy.
"hey" I stop next to him.
"what were you two laughing about?" he doesnt meet my eyes.
"um- nothing important." I didnt want him to know one of his friends sent me to talk to him, that would make it seem like i didnt want to.
"do you like him?" he sighs.
"well yeah- as a friend. hes a good friend i mean" I say kind of quickly.
"hm." he looks at the ground.
"Are you okay?" I lower my voice.
he doesnt answer.
"Tommy." I rest my hand on his shoulder. "is something wrong?"
"yes- no- i mean- kinda?" he blurts out.
"do you want to talk about it?" I ask almost immediately.
"not here." he looks at me, he looks less upset and more panicked.
"okay." I grab his arm carefully and leave the mess hall with him.
"where do you want to go?" I stop once were outside.
"anywhere." he replies.
I walk down to the cabin, being as I know Nick and Ziggy wouldnt be there, Nick had some counselor shit he had to do, and ziggy was just on the other side of the mess hall.
I let his arm go, and sit down on my bed.
"um-" he slowly sits next to me.
he laughs a little bit, burrowing his head in his hand. "Jesus christ" i hear.
"okay." he breathes in, and out.

"listen, im sorry ive been so quiet and upset and everything else." he stands up and infront of me.
"I just- ive been wanting to talk to you- about something like kinda really important." he sighs, and begins pacing around the room.
"Y/n, ive liked you for so long. ever since i saw you on the bus at the beginning of camp. no -before that. the first time I saw you. period.- I just knew. and I know that's a dipshit move, being as I was with Cindy and all, but I couldn't help it and I just-" he pauses, standing infront of me. "You're the one I told Cindy I liked that day." he smiles. "and now- now you're gonna hate me and I just really can't have that now can I? I mean if-" I stand up and grab his face, directing it at mine.
"I like you too." I smile at him.
he blushes.
"you look like a tomato." I laugh, before pulling him closer and kissing him.
I feel him pull away slightly out of shock, before kissing me back. he puts a hand on my face, the other around my waist pulling me closer.
That moment of pure bliss was cut short, when we hear giggles from the door.
we both stop and look over to see Sheila and her little gang, laughing at us.
"what do you want?" I slide out of Tommys grasp, walking toward the door.
"well, I was going to talk to ziggy about something.." she pauses, looks at her friends, then back at me. "important." she finishes.
"mmkay. shes not here." I say, sarcastically.
"oh but now weve got something even better to do." they all snicker before walking away.
"I really hate them." I say closing the door again. "I swear if I could choose anyone to send home from camp it'd be one of them. probably Sheila." I turn back around to find Tommy standing inches away from me.
"now you look like a tomato." he smiles.
I smile back.
"Y/n, would you be my girlfriend?" he sputters out.
I smile wider.
"yes." I reply.
he puts his arms around my waist and pulls me close, making sure not to break eye contact.
he leans closer to kiss me and I allow it. I kiss him back holding my hands to his face.
the door suddenly swings open and we both flinch away from each other.
"god I HATE that little shit Sheil-" Ziggy pauses. "...what were you doing..." she asks hesitantly.
"uh" I think of something to say. "what did Sheila do?" I sigh, in attempt to change the topic.
Ziggy then goes on about how her and her friends harrased her for whatever witchcraft shit they thought she was doing.
"and then she- what are you doing?" she paused when she realized I was walking to the door.
"if she's gonna be a bitch, im gonna be a bitch back." I say as i slide out the door, to find the devil herself.
"wh- Y/n!" Ziggy chases after me, Tommy following.

I make my way anywhere i can think of, asking around if anyone had seen her.
"Y/n stop" Ziggy and Tommy keep calling from behind me.
"Joann heyy, have you seen Sheila anywhere?" I ask.
"hmm, i-"
"DONT TELL HER" ziggy covers my ears with her hands, Tommy grabbing my hands to stop me from trying to grab Ziggys.
"LET ME GO" I try to pull away.
"UGH" I groan, I stop resisting and they let me go.
"but like.... do you know where she is?" I turn back to Joan.
"...I'm not sure i should tell you." she laughs.
"you guys are so boring." I sigh loudly.
"because we want you to stay at camp or because we don't want you to get arrested for assault?" Tommy jokes.
"both." I turn back to them. "anyway!" I say enthusiastically.
by now its around dinner, so I decide to go for a walk around till the bell rings.
"you guys wanna come?" I ask the two.
ziggy looks at me, then Tommy, then me again. "mmmm ill stay back. wouldn't be caught dead walking around with my grandparents" she smiles, running off before we can say anything.
"wh-" I start. were both blushing, obviously at the same word.
it stuck out. at first i was concidered her grandma, which means she knew.
"..anyway." I start. "shall we?" I ask in a gross british accent.
And with that we walk around camp, just talking.

anyway, im not sure how to feel ab this one but its alright 🤞🏻
(next chapter estimate, Jan 30th)

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