Chapter 8

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We decided to stay at the lake for a little while.
we somehow ended up running around chasing eachother.
"NOHOHO" I yell when he corners me onto the dock.
he just laughs and slows down to a walk.
"Tommy please" I laugh out of breath.
we end up at the end of the dock and he grabs me by my waist and throws me into the lake.
I swim up and grab the edge of the dock.
"im gonna get you back for that, Thomas." I climb up.
"oh im sure you are." he says sarcastically, helping me up.
"I hate you" I say, shivering.
"no you don't." he replies, wrapping his jacket around my arms.
"im gonna throw your coat into the lake and hope a fish shits in its pockets." I smile at him.
He laughs.
"Are you ready to go back to the cabin?" he asked
"yeah I guess. I'm kinda scared to see what they've done" I reply.
"oh don't even remind me we left them there." he groans sarcastically.
we walk off the dock and back to the cabin.
As we near the cabin, ziggy and nick run toward us.
"WHERE WERE YOU?" Ziggy calls out.
i laugh at her.
"were you worried?" Tommy asks sarcastically.
"well I look up to find my best friend and her boy crush are gone, therefore I, as a good best friend would, worry that you did something to her. and being as shes soaking wet, my theory was correct, and im going to kill you" she announced before chasing Tommy around with a rock nearby.
me and nick start laughing our asses off at how the 17 year old is almost being outran by a 14 year old.
eventually she gave up and angrily threw her rock at the ground.
they both walk back to us, Tommy keeping his distance from Ziggy, watching us die laughing on the ground.
"ehugh, okay im done." I say out of breath, standing up. "lets go back to the cabin then? im kinda cold" I add.
"what did he do y/n" ziggy walks next to me back to the cabin.
I explain the situation and she glares at Tommy.
"calm down its not like im incabable of swimming." I push her arm.
"are you sure?? I'd assume with your age-"
"dont even" I put my finger to her mouth.
We make it back to the cabin, and I grab a change of clothes before walking to the bathroom.
through the door I hear "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" From ziggy. "SHE COULDVE DROWNED." she added.
"OKAY IM SORRY" Tommy apologized.
Nick was laughing.
I change and walk out of the bathroom. "thank you" I say handing Tommy his jacket.
"See i did a good thing in exchange for a bad one" he says to ziggy.
she scoffs and climbs onto her bed.
I make my way to mine, and doze off.

Sorry this is short but I had to get something out so here it is!
I might update less frequently, because school has started up again but ill write more whenever I can!
(Happy New year!)

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