Chapter 22

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I walk off, im not sure where im going. i just need to get out.
I cant hear anything at this point, its all a blur. I think someones walking with me, but I dont really care. Suddenly, I hear someone scream. This snaps me back into reality. I flinch and step back slightly.
"Hey, hey, hey, its alright." A comforting voice comes from next to me. It's Tommy. I let out a breath i didn't know I was holding in, turning and looking for who screamed.
"The campers are just playing tag." He assures me.
"Its just the campers." I mutter, rubbing my eyes. We stand in silence for a moment, before Tommy leads me back to the cabin.
we walk in, Ziggy and Nick sitting on their beds. They look a little concerned. No one says anything. why am I even still here, I should go home. I climb into bed, rolling over to face the wall. I feel Tommy crawl in next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist as he lays under the blanket behind me.
"I love you, y/n." He whispers softly into my ear.
"I love you too." I whisper back. I feel his hands fiddle with my shirt for a couple minutes until he falls asleep.
I lay awake for awhile. Im not exactly sure why Im suddenly so out of it, it might be the fact im convinced my vision is something that will happen, or because I'm convinced everyone thinks I'm crazy. Maybe they're all just feeding into my delusions and making me feel comforted. Eventually, I fall asleep.
The next morning, I'm awoken by Tommy getting up. I roll over to see him stand up.
"Morning." I whisper, incase the others are still asleep.
He turns around. "Oh, morning, honey." He crouches down to my level, a smile across his face. "You sleep alright?" He asks, moving my hair out of my face. I nod. He nods back. "Well, that's good, yeah?" He runs a hand through my hair. "You gonna stay in bed awhile longer or y'gonna get up?" He asks softly.
"Just a little longer." I smile tiredly.
He nods. "Come find me when you get up, okay?" He stands up, not waiting for an answer, before continuing to get ready. I roll onto my back.
I lay for awhile, Tommy leaves to get on his counselor chores and whatnot.
Eventually I get up, I change out of the jean shorts and tank top i hadnt taken off the night prior, putting on a knitted tank top and a seperate pair of shorts. I walk out to find whatever I need to do today.
Suddenly its lunch time. However time passed so quickly is something i cant understand. I sit at the regular table again, next to Tommy.
I found that i can actually hear now. im aware of whats happening and its not all blurry anymore.
After lunch, everyone parts ways, Tommy sticks with me though.
We walk through the campground, talking. we stand at the edge of the woods, watching the campers play games. they yell and scream happily as they catch each other at hide and seek. Time passes, Tommy and i have gone to sit outside the mess hall together. the sun has already almost fully set. we talk awhile more. a few minutes, afew kids start running over to us. I cant really tell if theyre panicking or playing a game.
Tommy crouches to their level.
"Hey, what's goin' on?" I hear him ask.
I can't understand what the kids reply with, theyre crying too much for me to tell.
Tommy calms them down enough to get them to explain, but right as they do, a man approaches us.

and the extremely long fic is coming to a close... this next chapter will be the last! Hope youre excited, its gonna be a long one. :)

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