Chapter 5

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"Y/n" I freeze when I realise who is behind me.
"I just want-"
I turn around to see none other than Cindy Berman.
"No." I say. "no im not dealing with your shit right now"
"please I just want to-" she grabs my arm.
"dont touch me." I jerk away from her.
"im sorry, okay?" she blurts out
I look at her.
"are you?" I scoff.
"yes! I shouldn't have punched you. I'm sorry." she looks at the ground.
"you're right. you shouldn't have." I step back. "thank you." and I walk back to the cabin.

I feel bad about how I treated Cindy. but she deserved it, right? I walk into the cabin.
"hey" Tommy stands up "you okay?"
"hm? yeah, why?" I look up at him.
"just look a little off." he hesitates.
"...ah" I look at the floor, walking to my bed sitting on it.
"you sure you're okay?" he kneels next to me.
"ah-huh." I smile
"if you say so. I'm gonna go down to the lake, if you wanna come" he stands back up.
"im okay. thank you." I reply.
"alright. see you in a bit. I guess." he says that last bit quiet enough that I can just barely hear him.
he walks out and I lay my head in my knees.
a little under 5 minutes later, Ziggy and nick walk in, chatting with each other.
"yeah thats what I said! so after that i-" ziggy realizes the way im sitting.
"uh- y/n? you good?" she walks over.
"I should start counting how many people ask me that. I'm fine." I joke.
"why do you look like your period cramps are of a middle aged woman then?" she giggles to herself.
"ziggy what the fuck" i lift my head.
"oh im sorry, are you going through menopause? is that disrespectful to say?" she covers her mouth.
"what is wrong with you?" I laugh.
nick just stands next to ziggy, slowly inching away from her.
she looks at him as he takes a step away.
"What?" she crosses her arms.
"nothing! Im just-"
"its cause im a shadysider isn't it?" ziggy cuts him off.
"god forbid king nick goode is within afew feet of a shadysider.." I giggle.
"NONO ITS NOT THAT-" he laughs.
tommy walks in.
"...hey.. do I wanna know?" he takes off his jacket.
"absolutely no-" I start
"absolutely." ziggy replies.
"but its funny"

"im going back to the lake" Tommy puts his jacket back on.
"but its cold" ziggy laughs.
"I would rather freeze than hear about whatever shit you guys find so funny."
"thats kinda mean"
"I dont care."

"im gonna kill both of you if you dont stop" I interupt.
"that's even mean-er" ziggy turns to me.
"thats not even correct grammar" nick pushes her arm
"oh my god guys. Nick pushed me. a woman, AND a child. I CANT believe this." she says, dramatically.
"i wouldve done more than that, personally." I smile.
"ugh you guys are bullys." Ziggy punches my arm.
"ow" I say, in a monotone voice.
the room fills with laughter.
the conversation trails off after that.

afew hours later, we all started getting ready to sleep.
"Goodnight guys." ziggy climbs up to her bed.
none of us reply
"I SAID GOODNIGHT GUYS" she repeats, significantly louder.
"Goodnight ziggy" I groan at her.

-sorry for not uploading, I ran out of storage on my phone ☹
but im back so here's chapter 5!

Merry Christmas if you celebrate!

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