Chapter 9

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I wake up the next morning, surprised to find Tommy and Nick already awake.
"Jesus how am I the last one up?" I sit up.
"not the last, Ziggys still asleep." nick motions toward her.
"does that really count?"
I get out of my bed and grab a change of clothes, before making my way to the bathroom.
I lock the door and begin changing into a slightly cropped tank top, and
a pair of blue jean shorts.

"cmon man! just ask her out!"
"no I cant. she'll hate me!"
"oh youre kidding! she totally likes you back. everyone can see it. ask anyone in camp."

I hear a conversation between Nick and Tommy through the door.
I wonder who they're talking about.

I open the door and walk out, suddenly theyre both silent and staring at me.
"..hi?" I laugh.
Tommy just turns and walks outside.
"wh.." I watch him leave. "is he okay" I turn to nick.
"I think so?" hes still turned toward the door.
"..okay then." I say as I walk out the door to do the job I was assigned, which happened to be helping clean up the kitchen with Tommy and Joan.

I walk in to find Tommys already there. I guess that's where he went when he left the cabin so abruptly.

"hey fuckwad" I say to Tommy, joking.
"uh hi" he replies. not looking up from the dishes.
" okay?" I ask, genuinely concerned.
"hm? yeah. fine." he hesitates.
"if you say so, do you need any help?" I look at the food stained utensils and drink stained cups.
"um s-" before he can reply, Joan interupts.
"Y/NN I NEED HELP THERES A SPIDER!!" she calls from the bathroom.
"are you kidding?" I laugh before making my way to the room shes in.
"where is it?" I walk in.
she doesn't say anything, and points to the corner of the room.
I burst out laughing when I see how small it is.
"are you serious, Joan?" I say, still cackling.
I take the spider on a piece of paper, and let it outside, Joan followed. We come back inside after.
"Youre such a loser." I smile at Joan.
"it was the smallest thing, you wouldn't belie-" I cut myself off, when I realize Tommy was gone.
"Tommy?" I call out. "where did he go?" I add.
"im not sure. atleast he finished the dishes." Joan replied.
"yeah. I guess." I say that last part quietly.
she goes off to finish whatever she started before I got to the mess hall.

After we finish cleaning up, I decide to try to find Tommy.
I check everywhere i can think of, the rest of the mess hall, the cabin, the nurses office, etc.
"hey ziggy? have you seen Tommy anywhere?" I ask when i find her sitting by the lake with nick.
"um, I dont think so." she looks around.
"I think i saw him walking into the woods while he was supposed to be cleaning the kitchen." Nick motions toward the forest behind him.
"oh, okay thank you." I smile, walking to where nick pointed at.

"Tommy?" I call out, hands cuffed around my mouth.
I head a footstep from behind me and spin around immediately.
"uh- sorry." Tommy steps back, hes a good 8 feet away.
"no, no its fine! are you alright?" I walk toward him.
"yeah. yeah im good." he hesitates.
"..if youre sure. I think lunch is soon if you wanna head back with me." I smile warmly.
"Uh.. yeah. okay sure." he replies.
I grab his hand to make sure hes actually walking with me.
he flinches slightly but starts walking at the same pace I am.
By the time we make it back to the mess hall, Joan, Gary, and even Ziggy are already at the table. Nick was there too, i assume he was there because ziggy was.
"Hey guys!" I wave with my hand that wasnt occupied by Tommy's.
no one answered me.
Instead, nick was staring at Tommy with a smile on his face.
everyone else was staring at me, the same way Nick looked at Tommy.
"what is your pro-" Im cut off by Tommy gently yanking his hand away.
"oh" i laugh. "you guys are dicks." I add, sitting where i usually do.

We dont have a conjoined conversation today, instead we've all started conversations with each other. Im talking to Joan and Gary, Nick is talking to Ziggy, and Tommy was alone. he just sat there, almost like he didnt want to talk to anyone.
I notice, and i almost immediately drop the conversation with Joan and Gary to talk to him.
"Why were you out in the woods today?" I turn to him.
"uh- i just-" Nick turns to him, intrigued by his answer.
"I guess I just needed to be alone? i dont know i just wasnt feeling great." he hesitates.
"ah, i get it. you can say you need a minute though, we understand. I was just worried cause you dissapeared so suddenly." I laugh a little.
"you were?" I notice him blush.
"mhmm" I smile.
"JUST KISS ALREADY." Joan calls from the end of the table, making everyone in the mess hall stare.
"JOAN SHUSH FOR FUCKS SAKE" I push my hands onto her mouth.
She leans back laughing her ass off, infact the whole table is.
"youre an asshole." I say between cackles.
"aw" she giggled.
we all calmed down after afew minutes. it was nice to see Tommy smiling again.

Im sorry it took me so long to write this😭 school has been a bitch and i havent had time or energy.
I might encorporate the curse into this story in a different way than in the movies, if thats okay with you guys!
(im estimating the next chapter will be out around january 25th!)

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