Chapter 23

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Long ass chapter cus it took me so long it onyl feels fair :3
Vomit warning!!

".. Arnie?" I say, stepping back slightly at the sight of the boy walking over to us. his hands gripped around something, which i can't see well.
Tommy, without hesitation, grabs me and pulls me into the mess hall, the kids following us. He shuts the door quickly and leans against it to ensure Arnie couldn't get in.
"What's happening?" I hear a kid ask. And I immediately know.
"Shh, it's okay." i crouch to their level.
I look up at Tommy, who is still leaning up on the door.
He pushes his ear against the wood for a moment before stepping away from the door slowly.
He walks over and crouches next to me in front of the kids.
He reassures them its all okay. Part of me wants to believe him.
As the kids calm down, we get them to stay in the back corner of the room.
Tommy tells them to stay there before starting to walk toward the door, i start following.
"You too, y/n." he turns around, holding me back from continuing.
"What?" I look up at him.
"Stay with the campers." He puts his hands on my shoulders. i start to speak, but he cuts me off.
"Y/n, please. I know you'll be safer here."
I just stare at him for a second before moving out of his grasp toward the campers.
"I'll be back soon. Promise, " He assures me, turning and walking out of the mess hall.
I sit with the kids. They're all around seven to ten. theres four of them.
I keep this in mind. Four kids, ages seven to ten.
After around five minutes, banging starts on the door. I freeze.
"dont move." I whisper to the kids.
Eventually, it stops. as soon as it stops, I walk over to the door to make sure he's gone. I turn to the group of kids.
"Stay right there. Don't open the door." I whisper just loud enough for them to hear before slowly making my way out.
I don't know where im going, I just know I can't stay there.
After a few minutes of walking, I hear someone calling me from behind me.
"Y/n!" His voice still comforts me, although I know what's happening.
I turn around to see Tommy running toward me.
"Hey, hey, what're you doing?" He jogs over, putting his hands on my shoulders. He has blood on his shirt. "Why aren't you at the mess hall?" I feel his hands uncontrollably shake.
"Arnie, he tried to get in. he kept banging at the door." I sputter out.
"And the kids?" He looks back.
I hesitate.
"They're still at the mess hall." My voice is low.
He immediately turns back to face me.
"You left them there?" He lets me go.
I nod slowly.
"I'm sure they're alright. There's no way he's able to get in. even if he did, have you seen them play tag? They're pretty quick." I ramble. I really dont want him to be mad.
"That was a stupid idea, y/n." He rubs his forehead. I notice he has blood on his hands, which has now been spread to my shoulders and his forehead.
"Okay." I nod. I hear footsteps approach us rather quickly, so i turn around.
"Shit," Tommy says with his eyes on Arnie, stepping back quickly, before turning and running.
I dont hesitate to run as well, but not after Tommy. I run in another direction, so Arnie can't get both of us.
I dont know how long I run, but eventually, my legs get too tired to go on. I'm alone now, close to the outhouse. I lean against the wall of the outhouse to let myself catch my breath. I don't know how much time has passed, but I can't see anything aside from the dim glow of the lights from the cabins and mess hall.

"Y/n!" A voice calls to me.
I look over to see a bloody Alice running toward me.
"Jesus, Alice!" I immediately turn my body to face her. "What -" What happened to you?"
"Arnie- hes- he killed her!" She says frantically, her bloodied hands on my shoulders.
"he killed who?" I ask, trying to stay calm.
"Cindy!" She sobs.
I try to comfort Alice, although it's not working very well since I'm quite rattled as well.
Soon enough, we see that familiar figure running at us.
"Alice, Run!" I tell her, and she does, i try to follow her, but it's hard to see, so i eventually run off somewhere else. I dont stop running for a while as i can hear footsteps behind me. Not Alice's footsteps, they sound heavier.
Eventually, I hear the footsteps stop, so I lean against a nearby tree. A bad mistake i should know better than to make. Out of nowhere, an axe swings at me, slicing into the back of my shoulder. I yelp in pain, holding my hand against the wound. I look back at the boy before running more. I run into the mess hall, locking the door and slumping against it. I notice I'm alone, at least i hope. The kids who were in here before are gone.
I hesitantly got up and walked over to the corner I'd left them in. I gag at the sight of blood, guts, and limbs scattered. I hear a voice in the mess hall telling me something along the lines of a name. "Nick Goode," I pay no attention to it since the smell is horrendous. I immediately turn and move away from them so as not to make myself vomit. I dont know how much time passes before I hear someone trying to pull the door open.
"Hey- is anyone in there?" A very familiar, panicked voice begs. I get up and walk to the door with whatever strength I have left. My shirt is covered in blood along with my hands. I open the door carefully.
"Y/n!" Tommy says, immediately rushing inside, shutting the door behind him, and wrapping his arms around me. My body feels as if it could go limp at any moment. He notices this, pulling me back slightly. "What's wrong?" He says, sounding concerned. He hasnt noticed my bleeding shoulder yet. I dont know how to reply, so i just moved my hand to my shoulder, hoping he'd understand.
"What? Oh, my god, y/n!" He directs his attention to my wound.
He immediately rips a piece of fabric from his shirt, holding it to my shoulder.
"Why didn't you say anything?
"I- i just -" I'm starting to panic. "This isn't.. this can't be real."
And he just looks at me. he stares. it feels like time has stopped. Am i going insane?
He continues to stare at me, his eyes piercing my own. his grip on my shoulder tightens, hurting me now.
"Let me out!" I scream. not at Tommy, but at what had put me back here. i know this isn't real. Tommy wouldn't do this. "Just let me out of this. please." I sink to the floor. Whatever was meant to be portraying Tommy doesn't move. i sob on the floor, my arm slipping from his grasp.
I dont know how long this lasts. i try everything i can think of to get out, but nothing is working. It seems as if everything has frozen since i said i knew it wasn't real. I've tried screaming, begging, crying. Hell, I've tried killing arnie. I've tried killing myself. nothing works. i lean against the wall of the mess hall. My shoulder isn't bleeding anymore. i should be dead from blood loss. im exhausted. Tommy hasnt moved. the smell is so nauseating. I've thrown up multiple times. I fall asleep, somehow.

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