Chapter 1

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Melody pushed her conspicuous hair back under her hood and took an arrow out of her quiver.
"I claim that you can't shoot that fruit down", said Deliam with a raised eyebrow. Melody just smiled knowing that she would likely miss it but chose to accept the challenge.
"Which one should I shoot down?" she questioned and raised her bow.
"That one." He pointed to a fruit far away on a hanging branch.
"Well, worth a try, right?" She passed her arrow parallel to the bowstring, pulled it back and let it go. In a swift motion the arrow striked forward, narrowly missing the target.
"Haha you missed!" Deliam shouted in delight while Melody groaned frustrated. Not wanting to experience the banter he throws himself into when she misses a target she took out one of her many daggers and threw it in such a swift motion that one would think she was born to do so and hit the fruit straight in the middle causing it to fall down.
"That's not fair! You're unbeatable in knife throwing!", Deliam started to complain while throwing his hand over his head.
"Never said that were the rules." And with that Melody just shrugged with her shoulders and went to go get the dagger when she noticed a man stepping in her point of view. He was accompanied with two guards.
"Liam... Liam! Please tell me it isn't who I think it is." With worry spreading through her she turned herself to him but he didn't even notice her speaking to him.
"And why are you so fucking good in knife throwing. I mean everyone is good at something but you are extraordinary good. Well I mean, I'm good looking as well but... Nah there are no buts. It's okay. You are good with daggers and I'm good at looking great", he ranted not noticing her piercing gaze or her attempts at getting his attention until she finally had enough.
"Shut your mouth and turn around. I think the prince is heading towards us", she whisper-yelled and took his sleeve, forcefully dragging him the other way.
"Really, them why are we heading the other way? I have a lot of catching up with him to do", he exclaimed and stemmed his feet to the ground forcing Melody to stop as well. But she would have stopped either way because now she incredulously shook her head.
"What the heck are you talking about? Are you messing with me?"
"Why should I! Caspian and I were childhood friends."
"You were what?", she screeched. "And you didn't think of telling me that you were besties with the king?!"
"Well... I honestly thought it would be boring for you to hear or it would just sound like I would imagine our old friendship."
"I didn't think you would call our friendship old Liam", Caspian made his way to the two while they were too engaged in the conversation to notice.
"Caspian, I wouldn't dare", exclaimed Deliam and shook his hand standing slightly in front of Melody, who grabbed the left hand of Deliam and wanted to hide behind him.
"Miss Dassio, pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Caspian", he held his hand out for her to shake. 

She looked at him, suspicious that he would be so nice out of the blue but shook his hand cautiously nonetheless. She took a deep breath before raising her chin slightly. She would not give in to the presence of the prince and she woud certainly not look weak. 

"Did one of my men found you already?", Caspian asked and glanced at her Brother before he stared at her, taking in her appearance. The hood that was hiding her hair, the oversized clothes which shielded her body from the looks of the villagers and the practical boots that she seemed to be wearing a lot. 

"No. None of your men visited us. What is the acquaintane?", Deliam answered and took a protective step in front of Melody.

"I am going on a long voyage with my best sailors to find the Seven Lords and I need a good healer on board. And hearing about her exceptional talent in healing I wanted to ask her to accompany us, of course with the right payment. You my brother can join us as well, seeing as she would need at least one familiar face among the sailors", he explained and smiled slightly hoping to she would accept his offer.

"Is this an offer or a command?", she questions and raises her eyebrows warily. 

"It is an offer for now." He looked at her intensively making it clear that in the end she had no choice. Her head hung low.

"I accept your offer", she whispered not having the energy to put up a big fight that she would loose. 

"Melody, you can't", hissed Deliam and nudged her, starting to drag her away. 

"Deliam Dassio. I excpect to see you and your sister ready by tomorrow evening at our haven, that's when we will set sail", he said in a commanding tone, making it clear that they had indeed no choice but to follow his instructions. "Have a nice evening."

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