Chapter 7

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"The Lone Islands. Ports of Narrowhafen", explained Drinian to Edmund and Caspian, the latter looking through a small telescope.

"Strange, not a Narnian flag in sight."

"But the Lone Islands have always been Narnia's", retorted Edmund confused, a bad feeling settling at the bottom of his stomach. 

"Seems suspicious", spoke Drinian, voicing the thoughts of the three. 

"I say we prepare a landing party", suggested Edmund. "Drinian?"

Drinian locked eyes with Caspian before turning his gaze to the ground. "Forgive me, Your Majesty. But the chain of command starts with King Caspian on this ship."

"Right." He pressed his lips together, not wantig the jealousy to take over. So much about once a King, always a King. He was the High King. They should listen to him, not Caspian. He was the one that fought against the White Witch. He was the one that ruled in Narnia's Golden Age and he was the one along with Peter to help win Caspian's throne back. 

"We'll use longboats", commanded Caspian, feeling bad for the younger king and trusting his intuiton. "Drinian, pick some men and come ashore."


"Tavros." Caspian said his name while going the stairs down to indicate that he should announce their decision to the crew. 

"Man the longboats, furl the sail and prepare to drop anchor", shouted Tavros catching the attention of Matthew and Melody. 

The two had sat at the end of the ship watching the beautyful sunset. Matthew's head laid in Melody's lap while she stroked his hair. Something the two of them enjoyed and have done for the past weeks. They wondered how nobody could make assumptions of them being together, seeing how touchy the two were. 

But they were glad as they didn't want to get a comment on everything the two did. Some thing both agreed on was no romantic feelings because they felt like platonic soulmates and didn't want misunderstandings to happen. 

Matthew stoop up before pulling Melody to her feet and joining the crowd. 

She spotted Lucy in the crowd and joined her side, wanting to enjoy her female company. Lucy was glad that Melody stepped next to her as she wanted her by her side when they would step foot on the island. 

They both stepped into a longboat with Edmund, Caspian, Reepicheep, Eustace, Matthew and three other men. Behind their boat was the one with Drinian, Tavros and five other sailors. Drinian stood elegantly at the front of the swaying boat.

"How in King Edmunds name can he stand so tall and balanced?", Melody whispered to Lucy. 


She turned her gaze to Lucy only now realizing what she had said.

"Sorry, it's a saying. Because King Edmund was... is an excellent fighter and was rumored to have the best posture out of the four of you. So it became a saying in everything associated with it."

"No way!", exclaimed Lucy loud enough to make Edmund and Caspian listen up, while Reep chuckled to himself. 

"Something interesting you'd like to tell us?", asked Caspian curiously. 

"Nope, nothing." Melody smiled at him innocently making him hold his breath. He could have sworn that he heard his heart skip a beat. 

"Are there sayings for the other three of us as well?", questioned Lucy quietly, eyes wide with curiousity. Melody nodded.

"For example when you loose something we say 'by Queen Susan's horn' or we use the sentence 'for King Peter's sake' in literally any situation, like when someone embarrasses us or something doesn't go the way we want. But I think one of the best is 'by Kind Edmund's magic light stick'." 

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