Chapter 4

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While Lucy, Edmund and Caspian were in the room where some of the High King and Queen's old belongings were Melody made her way to the map room where she was sure to find Drinian.

"I thouht I could find you here", she said with a polite smile on her lips. "How's the muscle doing?"

"As good as ever", he answered twisting his arm to show the painless moves. 

"Great, but don't overwork it. A few days of easy sea and it is ready to be pulled again." She looked at him strictly and jokingly at the same time, making him roll his eyes. 

He was a put-together man that didn't show emotions often, but when he was with her he knew he could be himself. It scared him as he never experienced that feeling. He didn't have a crush on her or was attracted to her. It was more of a welcome feeling like coming home. Like finding the end of your voyage. He didn't know how to describe it but it was like he could feel a bit of  magic radiating off of her. What he deemed to be impossible so he discarded the thought.

Caspian strutted in with Lucy and Edmund right behind him. His suit-like outfit fitting him loosely but also perfectly. Edmund and Lucy looked fairly good as well. 

Caspian went to the table to which they all gathered around apart from Melody who took a seat at one of the bullseye watching them with curious eyes. 

"Since you left us, the Giants of the North have surrenderd unconditionally. And we defeated the Calormen armies at the Great Desert. There's peace across all of Narnia", explained Caspian pointing to the various lands. He glanced at Melody who was staring at him taking in his handsome features that became even more prominent when he spoke about his country. His land. His kingdom. 

She quickly snapped out of it. He was the prince. She shouldn't and couldn't aloud herself to have these thoughts about him. He's handsome but not attractive. End of discussion. But her mind thought differently as she couldn't help but throw a few glances at him when she was sure he wouldn't see it while listening to their conversation. The sea outside the window might be magnificent but their talk was interesting as well. 

"Peace?", enquired Edmund looking up from the map to study Caspian not quite believing him.

"In just three years", he confirmed and letting a small proud grin spread across his face. 

"And have you found yourself a queen in those three years?", questioned Lucy while moving a hairstrand behind her ear.  Inconspicuously glancing at Melody who proceeded to stare at the ocean, wishing to feel the cool droplets of water on her skin. 

"No", he answered with a slight raise of his eyebrows. He wanted to add not one compare to your sister but he didn't. And he didn't know why exactly. His mind wasn't occupied with Susan for the last three weeks. He didn't even thought of her once, not even when Lucy and Edmund appeared. His eyes wandered to the red head that looked straight out of a fairytail with her ethereal face and her delicate features. He was pulled out of his thoughts as Edmund spoke up.

"Hang on, so if there are no wars to fight and no one's in trouble, then why are we here?"

"That's a good question. I've been asking myself the same thing", retorted Caspian. 

Melody couldn't help the smile creeping on her face. They were all so oblivious. The Kings and Queens of the Old only came when trouble was around. 

The first time they lead an army and fought a seemingly unwinable battle that they suprisingly won. They build up a reputation as they ruled in the Golden Age, Narnia's presumed to be best ages. 

The second time they came to Narnia, there already was a leader, they just more or less supported him and taught him how to lead a country the right way and fighting for his throne to rule righteous over the people. 

And if they would put the dots together they would know that a challenge lies ahead of them that forces them all to grow mentally stronger. That forces them to develop their characters. 

Melody knew as she could remember most of the history books. And in every one of them the siblings became a better part of themselves after their adventures. This will certainly be an interesting journey. 

"So where are we sailing to", asked Edmund not quite grasping the goal of this voyage. 

Into the unknown that lies ahead of all of our journeys. Melody couldn't help but chuckle quietly at her words. Seeing as Edmund just said the right thing regarding her thoughts to conclude that sentence. 

"Before I took back the throne from my uncle, he tried to kill my fathers closest friends and most loyals supporters, the seven lords of Telmar. They fled to the Lone Islands. No one's herad from them since."

Dramatic, Melody thought. Caspian really had a way of talking that made everybody listen as he was such a good storyteller. The seven lords of Telmar of course weren't just a story. She had heard about them, but in that case she knew nothing more than Caspian.

 "So you think something's happend to them?", questioned Edmund while looking at the map that hung upon the wall. 

"Well if it has, it is my duty to find out", answered Caspian, making everybody see why he was born to be a king. Why he was chosen to be a king. 

Lucy studied the map seeing the blank space eastern the Lone Islands. The map seemed to stop there making her wonder.

"Well, what's east of the Lone Islands?"

Drinian spoke up. "Uncharted waters. Things you could barely imagine."

Melody shuddered at the thought of that. She didn't have many fears, but some of them were really worse. She wasn't afraid of heights nor small space and neither the water or drowning could scare her. 

But when it got dark and she didn't have a single flame around her, she would start to get cold and anxious, seeing as she was utterly afraid of the dark. 

"Tale of sea serpents and worse", continued Drinian. Lucy started to look at Edmund, knowing that he was especially scared of sea serpents.

"Sea serpents?", he chuckled quietly to not let the others see the fear shimmering in his eyes. But Melody saw it. She always saw the true emotions of everybody as no one was able to mask their emotion in their eyes. The eyes are a portal to your soul, a wise person said once upon a time. And that sentence definitly became a mantra for Melody, seeing that she was a magical being and wanted to know the real emotion of the ones around her. Studying and learning about it to no end until she finally mastered it. 

"All right, Captain. That's enough of your tall tales", said Caspian easing the tense atmosphere that started to form and bit into his apple. 

He obviously was one of the persons that could eat in any situations. Even when there was a storm brewing outside he wouldn't be kept away from eating. But Melody thought of it as a good trait meaning that he was healthy. 

"Come on, let's go on deck", chirped Lucy and grabbed Melody's arm, dragging her to the top front of the boat. 

They both breathed in the salty air and listened to the crashing waves. 

For a moment peace flood through their bodies making them relax and smiling. 

- 1261 words

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