Chapter 3

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She heard cries of a women shouting to a man and the screams of what seemed to be a child. She spotted three heads in the water und turned around shouting for Caspian and Drinian to take a look. But she didn't have to as Caspian and two other men - one of them being Matthew a good friend of hers - already dove down to take a look at the struggling figures.

Capian put an arm around the woman and swam back to the boat the other four being not far behind him. Melody made her way to the thing that pulled the two up to greet their oncomers.

But as she looked at the womans face a short pain relished through her head showing her an old painting of a beautyful girl with a name under it.

Queen Lucy the Valiant.

That was her. That was definitly her.

She stepped back making way for the remaining four to find place among the crowd of men that came to see what was going on.

Seemingly out of nowhere Caspian handed the girl a towel.

"How in the world did you end up here?", he asked smiling and putting an arm around her figure. The wet clothes clung to their bodys discretly showing off the athletic build of Caspian. She had to force herself to look away.

"I have no idea", breathed Lucy but smiled brightly seeing as she was finally back in Narnia.

Melody glanced at the handsome boy that came next up with Matthew.

"Caspian", he shouted making him stop and turn around to face him with a big grin.


"It's great to see you", Edmund beamed when Caspian put a towel over him as well.

"Good to see you", he chuckled and pulled him along to the side of Lucy.

"Didn't you call for us?" Lucy looked at him questionly.

"No, not this time", he answered and wondered how the two ended up here in the middle od the sea.

"Well, whatever the case. I'm just glad to be here", grinned Edmund and looked at Caspian before glancing to the red haired woman that seemed to shine with beauty. he didn't knwo how he couldn't have seen her when he stepped onto the boat.

Seeing the look on Edmunds face Caspian knew he had to introduce her to the two.

"Lucy, Edmund, this is Melody. She is the healer and only other woman on board."

"Thank you for the introduction Caspian. It is nice to meet you both", Melody smiled politely and bowed knowing that these both were the High King and High Queen of Narnia by the energy the two radiated off of them. 

"You are just utterly gorgeous. And that flaming red hair of yours is truly magnificent", exclaimed Lucy and pulled her in a side hug, thankful that she wouldn't be the only girl on board. 

"That you are", whispered Edmund unknown that Caspian heard him. It didn't sit quite right with him that another boy looked at her the same way he does. Well apart from most of the men on board but they knew not to start something with her as everybody could see the looks Caspian, their king, gave her. 

But before anything else could be said a loud screech was heard taking the attention of the sailors. The way parted for the king as he stepped over just to see the companion of Lucy and Edmund. He squirmed on the ground and screamed as Reepicheep was on top of him.

"Don't touch me! Get that thing of me!" He threw Reepicheep off him who rolled a bit before he stood and gave the boy a pejorative look. Lucy noticed the mouse and a smile spread on her face.

"Reepicheep!", she exclaimed happily. 

"Oh, your Majesties." He bowed deeply shwing his deep respect for them. 

"Hello Reep, what a pleasure." Edmund smiled at him, the towel still hung around his shoulders. Melody looked warily at the wet clothes and felt the wind rush over her skin. The six should change their clothes to not get hypothermia. 

"The pleasure is all mine, Sir. But first, what to do about this... hysterical interlooper?", asked Reep and turned around to look at the boy again. 

"That giant rat thing just tried to claw my face off!", shouted the scared boy and scrambled up to stand. Melody could see the faces of her cousins and guessed that this wasn't his first time being dramatic. But he was scared. Being transported to a whole new world without knowing anything  or anyone seems pretty scary. 

"I was merely trying to expel the water from your lungs, Sir", retorted Reep making the boys face fall.

"It talked! Did you see... anyone just hear that?" stuttered the poor boy. 

"He always talks", countered one of the men making Melody giggle quietly as that was the truth.

"Actually it's getting him to shut up that's the trick", exclaimed Caspian with a mischievous grin. Melody stared at him as his slight Telmarine accent showed through making her breath falter. His arms were crossed which made his muscular arms more prominent. And the wet withe shirt was certainly not helping. 

"The moment there is nothing to be said, Your Highness, I romise you, I will not say it", spoke Reep with a promising tone laying in the sentence. But Caspian just raised an eyebrow and looked down to him not sure if Reep could ever not talk.

He didn't notice the side glance he got from Melody who admired his perfect side profil and the sharp jaw line that was even more prominent with the short beard he was wearing. His wet hair was slicked back making him seem even hotter. She averted her gaze before she began to blush. 

"Look, I don't what kind of prank thsi it but I want to wake up right now!", screamed the boy while waving his arms around. 

"Perhaps we could throw him back", suggested reep making Melody grin as she saw the consideration on Edmund face. The crew chuckled quietly not thinking that it was a bad idea. 

"Edmund!" Lucy had seen it as well scolding him for even considering it.

"I demand to know just where in the blazes am I?", he shouted at Matthew who just chuckled. Amused about the dramatic behaviour of the boy who couldn't be older than eleven. 

"You're on the Dawn Treader, the finest ship in Narnia's navy", answered Tavros. But seeing as Eustace had never seen a bull walking on two legs or talking, his sight got black before he fainted making the men laugh. Melody stepped trough the crowd to him and sat next to him. Checking his pulse. He seemed fine, simply deeling with the schock of things. 

"Was it something I said", asked Tavros and looked first at Caspian before averting his gaze to Melody.

"No, don't worry. He is just not used to supernatural beings", Melody smiled at him reassuringly. 

"See to him, will you", commanded Caspian with a smile before going to the stairs and taking a few steps. Stopping when he could oversee the whole crew. 

"Behold our castaways... Edmund the Just and Lucy the Valiant, High King and Queen of Narnia", introduced Caspian the two to which the men started to bow. Melody followed their example standing out from the crowd of brown haired men with her flaming curly red one. 

She was the first one to stand again lokking to the three.

"i don't mean to sound rude but you should change your clothes. We don't want you getting hyphothermia. And that goes for the other two who jumped in as well."

Caspian chuckled, loving her commanding and caring side.

"As you wish", he answered and ushered the five inside. 

- 1287 words

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