Chapter 9

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She was certain, that this would be her end.

Melody was chained to a wooden stake, hands around it so she couldn't even move a finger. The wood scratched her skin uncomfortably making wounds appear on her arms.

"No, please! Please spare me!", begged Melody. Her stomach cramped when she thought about the outcome of this.

Wood blocks and hay was put to her feet to make the fire spread faster.

"No, no. No! Please don't do this", she continued to beg not ready to die yet, completly forgetting her magic in her state of panic.

She looked up to the men that finished putting the hay and wood around her feet and caught the gaze of one man. It was the one that grabbed her earlier. The one that wanted to steal her away in her early years.

His bright blue-grey eyes bored into her green ones.

"Burn you little bitch!", he exclaimed before taking a lit wooden torch and set the fire.
It immediatly spread due to the dry hay, making her feel the heat to her legs and feet. The only thing she could see were their blue or grey eyes of her kidnappers. 

"Stop this!", she shouted desperatly.
The fire grew and soon flames were soaring up her body enflaming her clothes.
The heat made her nearly collapse and she could soon feel the burning flames on her skin.

If she could control her magic this wouldn't be a problem. But because it was always suppressed it didn't came naturally to her anymore.
She screamed as the fire started to burn her skin. Her skin wounded when she tried to wiggle out of her chains and the stake behind her splintered her skin.

Caspian and Edmund fought off almost every men of when they heard a loud gut-wrenching scream.


They looked at each other and sprinted to the sound of the scream only now realising that she wasn't there when they fought. Lucy joined their running.
Her breath stopped as she spotted smoke, assuming the worst.
When they turned around a corner they saw a scene that will forever be imprinted into their minds.

Melody stood on fire, screaming in pain.

She stopped fighting off the pain, embracing it and hoping it would be over soon. Her legs that wounded quickly from the fire gave out under her, making her body collapse into the fire, her arms earning several splinters from the wooden stake.

She thought the fire would immediatly jump onto her hair, but it didn't. Her hair didn't burn.
Her magic was back.

"Melody!", shouted Caspian the moment she collapsed into the fire. He couldn't even imagine what he would do if she was dead.

The three sprinted to her, several other crewman behind them that heard the scream as well.

Her wounds burned but the surrounding flames and the loud crackling eased her mind, as stupid as it sounded.

She focused her magic on her hands, touching the chains and freezing them. With a loud shout and a burst of strength in her she rammed them open and putting her hands to the front. Catching her fall and making her hands touch the deadly fire.

She tried to control the fire but her energy left her, not having trained it and straining it with her pin. She wanted to lift her arms but she couldn't, the pain making her sight go black. She desperatly wanted to fight it off, but in the end she couldn't.

Caspian watched as she somehow got free from her chains but the relief he felt was immediatly stopped by the panic that overtook him, as he saw her completly falling into the fire.

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