Chapter 22

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And Matthia was more than right with that. The weather became worse and worse. And the sinking motivation by the crew didn't particulary help with it. 

"You can control the elememts, why can't you control the weather?", asked Caspian, while he ran a hand through his hair. He was stressed out and even he knew that the bad weather and overall mood affected the crew more than he would've liked. 

"Oh no, that is staright up force of nature. I could blow a bit of wind or do makeshift rain for a few minutes, but more than that would cost too much energy", she said, looking up to him. Melody's head laid comfortably on Caspian's lap. 

"Yeah, makes sense."

Caspian looked at her intently. She had her eyes closed and rays of sunshine lightens up her face. She looked magnificent and out of this world. She was way too beautiful, her eyes way too green and her hair way too vibrant. 

Well, technically she was out of this world.

A fairy, he wondered. He never heard of fairies before they met. For him she was truly a wonder. 

He softly caressed her cheeck, feeling the soft skin under his fingers. 

He loved looking at her, because for him, she was art.

He loved spending time with her, because she could always calm his nerves, but at the same time ignite a fire within him that he hadn't felt in  a long time. 

He loved having her around, because she always knew the right thing to say and brightens up the mood of everyone around her. 

Even Eustace. 

He loved seeing her smile light up the world and her lauhter igniting warmth in him. 

He loved the way she cared for everyone and the way she tries to protect everyone. 

But most importantly...

He loved her. 

He suddenly looked up. Shocked. 

No... he didn' love her.

He was hopelessly in love with her.

Melody started to open her eyes slightly putting a hand in the way of the sun, so she could look up to Caspian. 

"What's up? Something wrongß", she asked slightly worried, seeing his shocked expression. 

"No... no. Everything's perfectly fine." He smiled down at her, cherishing the moment. 

She looked at him intently, making him a bit nervous.

"Staring is rude, you know", he commented and softly stroke through her hair. 

"I love your eyes", she spoke softly, amking his heart skip a beat. Or probably more than one. "They just have a certain warmth in them. They are such a rich brown. A mix of smooth honey and flourishing soil, speckled just as beautyful as flowers in a field."

He stopped breathing for a second and tried to desperatly ignore the butterlfies that swarmed in him. 

"Sorry, that was way too cheesy", she laughed slightly and sat up. Much to Caspian's dissappointment. 

"No one ever said something like that. Shouldn't brown eyes be all dark and scary or boring?", he questioned. 

Melody shook her head chuckling.

"How could you say something like that? Brown eyes are so beautiful, especially yours. They just hold a warmth in them that no one could replicate." 

He just stared at her completly flabbergasted. Here they were. Him thinking that he couldn't fell more for her and her proving him wrong. 

The urge to kiss her grew the more seconds went by. He grabbed her cheeck softly.

"You are more than beautiful Melody. I could write a whole book about how green your eyes, how red your hair and how amazing you are", he whispered, leaning towards her. Just a few mere centimeters were between them. 

She gazed up at him, with something so simple in her eyes that it took Caspian's ability to speak. He so badly wanted it to be love. He craved for it.

Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. 

"Caspian. It's important", they heard Drinian on the other side of the door. 

Melody cleared her throat and brought a bit distance  between them, before smiling at him softly. 

He swore in that moment that he woul kill Drinian in his sleep. 

"Come on in", he shouted an stood up to greet Drinian properly. His stare a bit harder than normally, making Drinian look around the room and spot Melody. 

"Sorry to bother you", he apologized, hoping that he didn't interupt an important moment. Which he definitly did. 

"No problem. What can I help you with?", Caspian asked pressed, but still polite. Melody stood up, slightly worried when she saw the frowning face of Drinian. She stopped next to Caspian and cautiously took his hand in order to relax his tense stance. 

This obviously didn't go unnoticed by Drinian, but he didn't comment on it. Just throwing Melody a small wink, before becoming serious again. 

"The crew is on edge. I know you can't really do anything, but they are constantly shouting at each other. Most of them didn't get an ounce of sleep in the last few day because all that they've been having are nightmares. They are getting more cranky by the day and I know this won't end well if it continues this way", he voiced his concerns. 

"It's the mist. I'm sure. It's messing with us", Melody whispered before looking at both men. "All the negative emotions seem to increase the longer we are on the sea... or the closer we get."

"But I honestly don't know what to do anymore. They don't seem to listen anymore and start to fight over simple things like how to sweep up water, not to say the weather. It's getting to us."

"I know Drinian. And I'm sorry to put you all through that. But we have to keep going. Please try and talk to them, I will too. We just have to try to decrease the negative influence the mist seems to have on us, and engage more with each other. Try to be there for each other", spoke Caspian, not braking the intense gaze he shared wth Drinian. "We cannot and will not give up. We have a mission to complete."

"Aye, aye", spoke Drinian with newfound confidence. Caspian was right. They had a mission to fulfill . 

"Stay safe", Melody shouted after him, when he left the room. 

"I have to check up on Lucy and Eustace. I've got a feeling that they are both spiralling downwards. The mist takes a toll on all of us", she sighed, squeezing their still enterwined hands.

"It's hard, but we will get through it. I've got you by my side, princess. How could I even think a single negative thing with you by my side", he whisperd slowly while stroking his thumb over her hand. He looked at her just in time to see her slightly blush. 

The word princess definitly did something to her. 

"I have to go, but I will join you later again, yeah?" She smiled up at him and just soaked up his handsomeness. God, how was this man even real?

"Please do." 

She soflty stroke his arm, while stepping away from him and starting to search Eustace. She knew he had a hard time. Lucy too, as well as Edmund. Even if he was too proud to admit it. 

They needed all the support they could get. 

~ 1203 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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