Chapter 3

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"I wish that you would stay in my memories, but you show up today, just to ruin things"


"You were amazing tonight holy shit!" Dani says pulling me in for a hug as I walk off stage and into my dressing room.

Mitch, Sarah, Dani, and Cianni are all in here.

"The show was so good! I told you you had nothing to be nervous about!" Cianni adds joining the hug.

I hug them back and nod.

"Can you guys pull the car around so we can leave?" I ask the two of them.

"Yeah, I got it." Dani says turning to leave.

"Take Cianni with you!" I say to her.

"Why?" Cianni asks.

"I don't want Dani walking to the car alone. I just have to gather my things and I'll be right out." I assure.

They both nod and head out.

As soon as they leave I walk up to Mitch and Sarah.

I pull them both in for a giant hug and begin to sob.

I cry because of relief of how well the show went. I cry because I'm so proud of myself for making my dreams come true. And I cry because he came tonight.

It caught me off guard and it felt like a slap on the face.

"Oh Naomi." Sarah whispers and holds the back of my head.

"Don't worry I'm gonna kick his ass." Mitch says patting my back.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Sarah asks.

I shake my head no.

I hear the door open and I already know who it is.

I turn around.

"You were too good out there for you to let him ruin your night N." He says pulling me in for a hug.

"Thanks." I sniffle.

"Seriously they loved you. And they loved the new songs too. You should be celebrating."

"I know, I know. And I will. I'm just..." I start.

"What?" He asks.

"I'm hurt. Why did he show up tonight? Hasn't he already done enough?"

"It was a dick move, but I'm gonna fix it don't worry." He says wiping away a few of my tears and then walking over to Mitch and Sarah.

"Are you guys free the rest of the night?" He asks them.

They nod.

"Alright perfect, then we're gonna end the night right. Let's get the rest of the band, get something to eat, and then get fucked up at a karaoke bar. My treat." He suggests to us all.

I can't help but smile because that actually does sound fun.

He always knows how to cheer me up.

"I mean I'm in, and I know Dani and Cianni will be down." I say wiping the excess tears.

Mitch and Sarah also agree to go.

We let the rest of the band know what the plan is, then we gather our things and head out.

Mitch and Sarah get in their car and wait for us before they leave.

"Thank you for being so great Elijah." I say as he and I walk arm in arm to our car.

Dani, Cianni, Elijah, and I all carpooled.

"Oh come on stop that." He laughs.

"But I mean it. I really appreciate you."

"You're sweet N, you know that?" He smiles.

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