Chapter 18

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I had to change history and make sure Harry got what he deserved ;)

"And I pulled your body into mine every goddamn night now I get fake niceties"



"This is incredible, I can't believe it!" I say with a smile I can't shake and immediately pull Mitch in for a hug.

Jeffrey wraps his arms around us and joins in.

I hear her clear her voice from the corner of the room, so I break away from the hug to look over to her.

"What about my hug?" She smiles and holds her arms put.

"You get a hug when you work on the album." I hear Mitch mumble and I roll my eyes at him.

I walk over to Ashley and give her a hug.

We just found out that the album has been nominated for a few Grammys.

Album of the year.

Song of the year.

Record of the year.

"I'm so proud of you honey." She says before giving me a kiss.

"I'm gonna go call Sarah out in the hall." Mitch says annoyed.

Needless to say he doesn't like my girlfriend.

"We should go celebrate-" I begin to tell her.

"I'm gotta go call a few friends and tell them the good news!" She ignores me and immediately gets on her phone and leaves the room.

"Okay..." I sigh. "Should we continue or not?" I ask Jeffrey.

We're working on the new album in the studio today.

"We can continue if you want... But there's still a few people you should probably call first." He says.

"I'll call my family in a little." I say.

"Yes... And?" He asks.

"I mean I'm not gonna call every single one of my friends and brag about grammy nominations." I chuckle.

"Not what I'm talking about Harry." He says seriously.

I look at him confused.

"Naomi contributed so much to the album. Lyrics, instrumentals, production... She was a part of the team for that album. She was technically nominated too like the rest of us." He explains.

"Shit." I massage the bridge of my nose. "What do I do?"

"It's simple. Call her and let her know." He says.

"She won't pick up. Can you tell her?" I ask.

"She shouldn't hear it from me."

"Well she sure as hell won't want to hear it from me." I laugh humorlessly.

"It's been a while. You've both had time to cool off. Just try, and if she doesn't pick up we'll let her know through her people and handle it more business appropriate."

"Why can't we just do that right now?" I ask.

"Will you just quit asking questions and call her?" He says losing patience.

"Fine, fine." I say finding her contact in my phone and sit down at the piano bench.

Jeffrey walks out of the room.

The phone is on its fourth ring and she still hasn't picked up. It's useless.

I'm about to hang up as the fifth ring is happening, but she finally picks up.

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