Chapter 20

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"I know this shouldn't be a lonely time but there were Christmases when you were mine"


"Harry please you can't be serious." Mum whisper shouts to me once she's dragged me into the kitchen so it's just us.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask.

She gives me a look like I'm supposed to already know.

"What?" I ask again.

"I want to be supportive of you and your decisions, but we both know this isn't going to work." She says carefully trying not to offend me.

"She might grow on you mum, you just met her twenty minutes ago. You have to give her a chance." I say and I can't help but chuckle at how much my mum already despises my new girlfriend.

"I know you miss Naomi but that doesn't mean you have to jump into something right now-"

"Mum...Really?" I sigh. There goes my chuckle.

Did she really have to bring that up?

"I'm sorry, I just don't want you getting into something and it ending up like Scarlett."

"You think she's using me?" I ask with a mixture of curiosity and concern. But I don't let it show.

She hesitates.

"You can never be sure." She says.

"You had this concern with Naomi then too?" I ask. This time I do feel a little offended.

"No, I actually didn't. " She says quietly.

That answer is almost worse.

I open my mouth to change the subject but my mum is too quick.

"Have you talked to her since you told her the good news?" She asks.

I shake my head "no".

"You didn't wish her a happy birthday?" She asks looking suprised.

"No, why would I have?" I ask her.

"Well I just figured since things seemed better that you would've."

Little does she know I wrote up a paragraph birthday text and debated on sending it the whole day.

And towards the end of the day when I thought the text might be too much, I thought about just giving her a quick call. And then I realized that a call would be worse than a text. Then I thought I could email. Then I realized that would be really fucking weird. And by the time I stopped being an idiot and realized I could just send a text that said "Happy Birthday Naomi", it was midnight and her birthday was over.

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