Chapter 4

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"The love that you borrowed, in the morning's come and gone"


"So I'm thinking we should go down to the beach today and have a picnic." Naomi smiles before pressing a kiss to my lips.

"Whatever you say Cherry." I say pushing her hair out of her face.

We haven't gotten out of bed all morning. I love days like this.

"I love you." She says contently.

"I love you Cherry."

"I think we should do something crazy Harry." She says sitting up on her elbow.

"And what would that be?" I ask curiously.

She hesitates then finally answers.

"Let's get married."

"Today?" I ask with a smirk.

"No, today we're having a picnic on the beach. But I do think we should get married... Tomorrow?" She asks.

I grab her face and pull her in for a kiss.

"Is that a yes?" She laughs.

I nod as I get up from bed and open my bedside drawer.

I pull out the ring box.

"Oh my god." She says in awe. "How long have you had that?"

"I got it just before our one year anniversary." I smile as I go around to her side of the bed.

Just as I start bending down to one knee She speaks up again.

"Oh... You mean the day you broke up with me?" She crosses her arms as tears well up in her eyes.

"What? No no-" I shake my head.

"The day you told me you cheated on me! The day you told me you didn't love me anymore!" She raises her voice.

"Love no no no, I didn't mean those things. They didn't happen! I love you I would never betray your trust like that-" I try to explain.

"But you did and I hate you for it!"

There's a sudden banging on the bedroom door.

I look back and forth between her and the door, and I'm becoming overwhelmed by everything going on.

"Open the door Harry!" She yells at me and the banging continues.

"Wake the fuck up and open the door!" She continues as my breathing picks up.

Suddenly I shoot up in my bed.

"Harry I know you're in there open the door dude!" I hear Mitch yell.


It was a dream.

I sigh and rub my eyes.

"Go away Mitchell, I'm not in the mood." I groan.

"Frankly I don't give a shit if you're in the mood or not!" He yells.

I slowly get out of bed as he keeps hitting the door

"Alright I'm coming, quit banging." I huff.

He stops.

"Morning." I say as I finally open the door.

"Why did you do it?" He asks pushing past me to walk into the room.

"Mitch-" I say as I close the door.

"It was a huge night. I get that you wanted to see her and all that shit, but it didn't give you any right to go. It was selfish." He says sitting down on the sofa.

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