Chapter 6

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"What's it gonna take for this storm to break?"


It's funny how different and similar Harry and Naomi can be.

All Harry wants to do is talk about her. But all Naomi wants to do is not talk about him.

But they both asked me if I wanted to go get drinks later.

They both want to get drunk off their asses.

I ended up telling Harry no, and telling Naomi yes.

She needs the drink more than he does. Besides, he gets drunk too often anyway and she never does. He needs to give it a rest, and she needs to give it a try.

She works way too much, and deals with her emotions way too little.

Maybe if she has a few drinks in her, she'll let it out.

She had quite a few drinks after her show last night, and she finally started letting loose. It didn't last long though because Elijah was there, and he told her she should stop if she doesn't want a hangover. He didn't force her to stop, he just warned her because she hates being hungover.

Naomi had invited me, Sarah, Cianni, and Dani to come tonight.

Dani can't come because she's working on some dress designs. Cianni can't come because she has an early meeting in the morning.

So it will just be Sarah, Naomi, and I.

I'm trying to figure out why she didn't invite Elijah. She invites him everywhere.

I like the guy, but I'm glad he won't be here. It gives me a better chance at cracking Naomi.

I'm currently dressed and ready to go, and just waiting for Sarah to finish her makeup.

I'm sat on the edge of the bathtub watching her put stuff on her cheeks.

"Do you think that since it will just be the three of us, we should just invite her to come over? I'm worried about her. I don't think drinking is her solution." Sarah says caringly.

"No, I think she needs this." I say honestly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. She keeps pushing all of her feelings away. And I'm hoping that drunk words really are sober thoughts."

Sarah turns around to look at me instead of the mirror.

"You said you were gonna let Harry and Naomi figure this out themselves." She eyes me suspiciously.

"And I am. If Naomi says something about Harry tonight, I'm not going to tell him. This is more for my curiosity." I say.

"What do you mean?" She asks looking back at the mirror again.

"You know that sunflower necklace she always wears?" I ask.

Sarah nods.

"Harry mentioned earlier that he bought it for her as a birthday present when they were together. So I'm just curious why she doesn't even want to hear his name, but she can wear a present he got her every day."

"So you're hoping she gets drunk and spills all of her secrets for your curiosity? Don't you think that's kind of shitty?" She doesn't say it in a mean way, more of a warning that this isn't a good idea.

"I've had to put up with so much shit from the both of them this past year that I don't really care. I've had to walk on eggshells around them. I have to spread myself thin trying to make time to hang out with the both of them. I'm helping the both of them make albums right now for fucks sake. If I want to feed my curiosity for one night, I think it's okay." I rant.

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