Chapter 13

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"Writing songs i can't sing to you. Cause ever since that day the things i didn't say, they haunt me. I know that I'm to blame so go ahead and blame it on me. I know that I'm too late but I'll say it anyway, i'm sorry"


I practically collapse onto my couch. I stare blankly ahead of me.

I hear quiet footsteps enter the room.

Mitch is the only other person here now.

"I'm sorry man. I thought it would go better than that. I just wanted you guys to talk it out." He apologizes.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see him look at me as if waiting for me to speak.

When he realizes that I'm not going to, he continues.

"She probably feels the same way you do right now."

I don't know what he is trying to accomplish by saying that. He's probably trying to make me feel close to her somehow, but I know for a fact we couldn't be further apart.

"I really am sorry." He says sincerely.

I still stare at the wall in silence.

"Harry, say something man."

I don't.

I need to think about things. What I don't need is to have a conversation with someone I'm pissed at.

Of course, I'm going to forgive him, but I need a minute.

"Once you guys talk again, and you're able to tell her the truth, you guys will be okay-"

This makes me break.

"After the shit you pulled, do you really think she's gonna talk to me again? The answer to that is 'no' Mitch!" I snap as I stand up from the couch and look him in the eye.

"She might." He says calmly.

"No, she won't!" I counter.

"Harry I'm sure if I just-"

"No Mitch, you're not going to do another goddamn thing, okay? You've done enough. Besides she probably doesn't trust you anymore." I say as I keep grabbing at my hair in frustration.

"You're probably right." He concedes quietly.

"Which is just great, isn't it?" I say sarcastically with a bitter chuckle. "Another person she can't trust anymore. She can't catch a break and it's my fault."

"Harry this is on me, not you-"

"Yeah, but who were you trying to help?" I ask finally looking over at him.

He thinks about it.

"The both of you." He answers.

"Mitch, who were you trying to help?" I ask again.

"Harry, you guys both-"

"Who were you trying to help Mitch?" I say sounding tired from his lie.

"You." He admits.

"Exactly. You knew she didn't want to talk to me. You knew I wanted to talk to her, but that I could never get it to happen right now. You pushed her to far by getting her to come. You should've respected her feelings-"

"You know what? Yeah, I should've you're right. But put yourself in my position. My two best friends are soulmates and they can't even be in the same room anymore all because of a lie." He fires back.

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