Chapter 16

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"Naomi, where did you get that?" I ask not being able to wrap my mind around what's happening right now.

"It was in one of those fucking boxes Harry! Where else would I have gotten it from?" She says angrily.

I ended up asking Mitch to pack those up. He either did this on purpose, or he just wasn't paying attention when putting everything in the boxes. The second option is probably more likely, I know Mitch would never push that far on purpose.

When going through her nightstand he probably threw everything that was in there in a box, and didn't think twice.

It was my fault for putting that ring in there all those months ago.

I try to find some words to say but all I can get myself to do is stare at her.

"Are you serious? Do you seriously have nothing to say to me right now?" She asks incrediously.

When I don't say anything she shoves the ring box into my chest and begins to turn around to leave.

This action breaks me out of my trance, so I run out in front of her to stop her.

"Naomi, please wait. We can talk about-"

"Sure let's talk Harry." Her words of agreeance don't match her resentful tone.

"Thank you-"

"Let's talk about how fucking careless you are."

I can't blame her for being mad at me. I'm mad at me.

"Naomi please, I can explain a lot right now-"

"Yes, please I'd love that. Explain to me how you're so careless that you cheated on me. Then when finally getting the rest of my things back from you, I stumble upon an engagement ring for the girl that you cheated on me with. Hmm?" She looks at me expectantly with hurt in her eyes.

I look up into the night sky, and rub my eyes.

So that's what this is about?

She thinks it's for someone else?

She thinks it's for someone who doesn't even exist.

When I look at her again, she's still waiting for an answer. But now tears are forming in her eyes, and a knot forms in my stomach.

I swallow the lump in my throat, and hold up the ring box in between us and open it.

She looks at it briefly, then looks down at her feet.

I take the ring out of the box, and hold it out for her to take it.

"What are you doing?" She asks crossing her arms.

"Hold it."

"No-" She begins like I'm crazy.

"Please." I ask with my voice shaky.

She hesitates, but she grabs it.

"Look at it." I say.

The moonlight is making it shimmer.

As she stares at it, I try to tell whats running through her mind but I have no clue.

She looks up from it and tries to hand it back to me but I put my hands behind my back.

"Naomi, what kind of flowers are those on the ring?" I ask quietly.

"Harry-" She says weakly.

"What kind of flowers are they?"

She takes a deep breath that she's probably hoping I won't notice.

"They're sunflowers."

"And who's favorite flower is a sunflower?"

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