Chapter 15

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"Said forever on a whim should've known it wasn't true. I don't wanna love again if it can't be, it can't be you"


"Wait Eli, what about this?" I ask as I finish my glass of wine, and continue playing on my keyboard.

He ended up coming over to the apartment so we could finish the song. We've been working on it for about an hour and it's really coming together.

"Let's hear it." He says taking a sip of beer.

"Baby I get mystified by how this city screams your name." I sing out an then look back at him to get his reaction.

He nods his head with an impressed smile.

"Write that down N." He says pointing to my notebook.

As I write down the lyrics, Elijah gets up from his spot on my bed and pours me another glass of wine.

He hands me the glass, and I quickly take a large sip and set it on the ground so I can play more.

"And baby I'm so terrified of if you ever walk away," the next words that leave my lips come out honestly, " I'd never walk Cornelia Street again."

"Wait let me redo that-" I start but out of the corner of my eye I can see Elijah stole my notebook and is writing everything down already.

When I called Elijah about having an idea for this song, it was because I wanted to sing about Cornelia Street in a song. But as soon as the words left my lips, I regretted it. It feels too raw and too personal now. I'm not planning on putting this out, but it feels wrong even just singing the lyrics with someone else in the room. It feels exposing in a way.

"Don't redo anything, that was perfect." He compliments as he finishes writing.

I hesitate to stop him, and I hesitate to keep playing. I just don't know where to go from here.

I know I'm only thinking about Harry because of what happened earlier today but-

"Is that real?" Elijah's voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

"What do you mean?"

"Cornelia Street, is that place real or did you make it up?"  He asks as if it's a simple question.

And technically, it is a simple question. But the way it makes me feel is anything but simple.

But I can't lie to him, we're way past that.

I take another swig of wine.

"It's real." I say simply.

"Where is it? What's the significance?"

"It's just somewhere I used to go. I'm going to change the lyrics so it's not important anyway-"

"I don't think you should change it though. It flowed nicely, and you thought of it so quickly that I know it came from the heart. Keep it in there." He encourages.

"Fine, but then we can't put it out." I say.

"Why not?"

"Cornelia Street isn't a special place just for me, Eli." I say.

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