Chapter 12

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"Strangers to friends. Friends into lovers. Then strangers again."


Mitch was trying to play it cool when having his conversations with Harry and Naomi.

But he is more nervous than the two of them combined, because he knows the truth.

He set them up.

He had told Harry to leave, and told Naomi to come in an hour at the same time. He knew Harry would be back by the time she's still there.

Mitch feels guilty, but he keeps telling himself this will end in a good outcome.

Harry is still not home when Mitch hears a knock on the door.

The plan is going perfect.

Mitch walks to the door, and opens it. Naomi is standing there looking like she's seen a ghost, but Mitch knows she's just nervous to be back at the house.

"Hey." Mitch says opening the door wider to welcome her in.

"Hi." She says weakly as she steps in slowly.

He closes the door behind her and watches her scan the entry way.

"Where are the boxes?" She finally says as she turns to look at Mitch.

"Oh, stay here I'll go grab them for you." He says knowing that Harry could walk in the front door at any moment now.

She nods in agreement. Usually she'd offer to help, but she didn't want to see any  more rooms of the house than she had to.

As she tries to wait patiently in the entry way, Mitch takes his time walking up the stairs. He needs to stall as much as possible.

Five minutes pass before he comes down with one of the boxes.

"Sorry I couldn't find them. I'll go get the other one." He lies as he sets the box down in front of her.

"It's fine, thank you." She says with a smile even though it's taking everything in her to not run out of the house.

Mitch makes his way up the stairs and sits on the floor in one of the hallways still trying to stall.

"Come on man." He says under his breath referring to Harry.

A few moments pass, and he can hear a sound coming from below. This hallway sat directly above the garage. The garage door is opening. Harry is home.

Mitch's heart begins to beat faster and he wonders if Naomi heard the garage.

Naomi hadn't heard the garage, you usually couldn't hear it from where she was standing anyway. She especially couldn't hear it though since she was too caught up in her own thoughts.

However Mitch didn't account for something.

Harry saw Naomi's car in the driveway.

Mitch feels his phone vibrate and he answers after seeing that it's Harry.

"What the hell are you doing?" Harry asks immediately. "You said she'd be gone?"

"She just walked out of the house, come through the garage and meet me upstairs I need help with something." Mitch quickly lies.

Mitch has always been good under pressure.

"Oh, okay." Harry quickly complies.

Mitch hangs up and lets out a sigh of relief.

Harry gets out of the car, shuts the door, and walks through the garage until he gets to the door that leads inside.

Once inside, he feels off. He knows something is up, but he convinces himself that he's being unreasonable.

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