Chapter 9

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"Mr. Serotonin Man, lend me a gram"


I was pretty happy about this girl's trip. I was looking forward to all of us hanging out, not worrying about guys, just having some fun in beautiful Paris, France.

All of that went out the window pretty much as soon as we got here.

When we landed and were getting off of the plane, Dani ran into some guy as she was trying to exit our row of seats.

She took one good look at him and swooned.

It was like a rom-com.

The second they made eye contact they were speechless, and all they did was stare at each other until I pushed Dani's shoulder so she would keep moving.

Once we were off of the plane and into the airport they started talking.

Turns out his name is Austin, he lives in the Los Angeles area, he's an English teacher, and he really likes Dani.

They've been attached at the hip since the minute we stepped foot here, and we've now been here for a week and a half.

He leaves tomorrow morning though, so Cianni and I will get our time with her then.

Dani and Austin plan on hanging out a lot once we get back. I'm really happy for her, and I know she's sad he's leaving. And I'm sad she's sad... But selfishly I'm glad we'll get to finally explore Paris together.

Cianni and I have done a lot together already though. We've gone to so many cafés, we've gone shopping, we went to Disneyland Paris...

We wanted to wait to go with with Dani but we couldn't help ourselves! She won't care anyway, she's in too good of a mood because of Autsin.

However, since Dani and Austin want to spend his last day here together, it'll just be Cianni and I again today.

I don't mind that at all though, we've been having a great time.

We've decided that we're going to go outside of the city today, and go to the beach.

So right now I'm in my bathroom pulling my hair up and putting on a bathing suit.

Cianni is getting ready as well, and I think Dani and Austin are eating breakfast in the kitchen.

I've never stayed at a hotel this nice. We all have our own bedrooms and bathrooms, plus there's a family room and a kitchen. And there's a great view of the Eiffel Tower from our balcony. It doesn't get better than this.

Once I have my suit and cover-up on, I grab my bag and leave my room to go see if Cianni's ready.

I walk out in the living room to see Dani and Austin making out in the kitchen.

"Are you kidding me guys?" I laugh.

Dani covers laughing out of embarrassment, Austin cooly puts his arm around her.

"Sorry..." He says. "Room?" He looks at her and nods in the direction of her room.

She probably thought that was so hot that she wants to throw up.

She doesn't say anything, she just allows him to lead her to her room.

She looks back at me before her door shuts and mouths an intense "Oh my god".

I laugh and shake my head as I knock on Cianni's door.

"Hold on hold on, I'm almost ready!" She shouts.


Once she's ready, we head out, and we leave the hotel and get into our Uber.

"vers où ?" Our driver asks.

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