Chapter 8

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"Mum I'm sorry, I'm still falling"


A few weeks.

Mitch said she'd be gone a few weeks.

Does that mean two weeks? Three weeks?

He won't specify.

I don't know how I'm supposed to just wait this out. He told me I should tell her the truth once she gets back. She's only been there for three days and I'm getting antsy.

I just really hope Elijah didn't go with her. I called Mitch a few days ago and asked him if Elijah went, but he wouldn't answer. He kept saying it wasn't his place to tell me.

I think we're way past that at this point.

But I guess Mitch doesn't feel that way.

Part of me just wants to fly to Paris, but I have no right to ruin her vacation like that.

My goal over the next few weeks is to just distract myself with making the album.

I wish I could say that's what I'm doing right now, but it's not.

I'm sitting on my bed in my hotel room, going through old photos of Naomi and I.

I'm not pathetic, I promise I don't do this often. I've only done this once or twice.

As I stare at the photos, it makes me want to hear her voice. I got to see her the other day, but she didn't say a word to me. I miss her talking to me.

I wish I could call her.

I mean... There's technically no reason that I couldn't call her. But I definitely shouldn't... Right?

I guess there's actually no reason that I shouldn't call her either. If she doesn't want to talk to me, she doesn't have to pick up.

I scroll through my contacts and find her. Then I stare at her number for at least ten minutes debating whether or not I should call it.

Its ten in the morning here, meaning it's only seven at night in Paris.

As I'm about to call, my phone starts ringing.

Mum is calling.

I sigh and swipe to answer the call.

I'm glad she's calling, she stopped me from being an idiot. I don't know what I was thinking. Plus this will be a nice distraction.

I feel guilty that I haven't talked to her in a while too. I've been so into my problems that I haven't been reaching out like I should be. It's something I need to work on.

"Hi mum, how are you?" I say.

"I'm alright... How are you?" She sounds concerned.

"I'm fine, is something wrong?" I ask.

"No, I'm just worried about you. Are you sure you've been doing okay?" She asks sincerely.

"Did Mitch call you or something?" I chuckle because I feel like she knows something.


"What is it?" I ask.

"Why didn't you tell me Naomi put out music?"


"I just found out about it a few days ago. How did you find out?" I say.

"She came on the radio. Are you alright?"

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