Chapter 11

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"I love you so much that I've got to let you go. It couldn't last forever, and I hope you find better."


"She's been home for three weeks. Are you going to finally talk to her?" Mitch asks me.

"I've got a lot going on today, I don't know." I reply.

"Yeah I know you do. Why do you all the sudden want to sell the house?" Mitch asks as he helps me pack cardboard boxes.

"Because my mum is right, I need to start letting her go. She deserves better than what I have to offer." I say as I tape a box up.

"But what about the voicemail-"

"She was obviously drunk when she did that Mitch come on-"

"Sure she was drunk, but she still chose to call you. I just... I mean..."

"What?" I ask.

"I just feel like it meant something." He says honestly.

"And it did. But only to me, it probably didn't mean anything to her."

"But Harry-"

"Mitch, can we please change the subject? It took a lot for me to finally get to this place. And if memory serves me right, you wanted me to move on in the first place." It comes out snarkier than I intended but I couldn't help it.

"Yeah I know, but shit has changed."

"Like what?"

He doesn't answer.

"What Mitch?"

He stays silent.

"Exactly, nothing has changed. When I tell her the truth, she'll get closure and I'll still be miserable because she won't want me back. Because at the end of the day, I still lied and used her insecurities against her. Sure, I did it so she could live her dream but- I- She'll still hate me. Plus she's moved on, she has a boyfriend."

I begin to walk to another room with an empty box. I need this conversation to end.

I can hear Mitch following me though.

"They're not official-" He starts to argue.

"Mitch they're close enough to it."

There are a few minutes of silence while I pack up various things from around my bedroom. Theres a heavy feeling in the air; the only sound is boxes and things being shuffled around. Although, I'm the only one doing any work. Mitch is just watching me, hoping I start talking again.

I finally hear him behind me somewhere opening a drawer.

"So what are you gonna do with the rest of her stuff?" He asks casually.

I turn around and see that he's going through her nightstand. Or at least what was once her nightstand. He starts picking stuff out of it and putting it in a box.

"Put it back Mitch." I say starting to lose patience.

"No, we're packing Harry. And everything has to be packed, right?"

He's testing me.

"Yes, it does." I say with a fake calmness and I turn back around to continue my part.

"Great." I hear him say, then I can hear him throwing more things into the box.

More silence.

Then I hear an item go into the box.

And more silence.

Another item.

And even more fucking silence.

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