Chapter 14

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"Time cast a spell on you, but you won't forget me. I know I could have loved you but you would not let me"


It takes me twenty minutes to get both boxes up to my place.

I didn't want to make two trips so I ended up stacking them and pushing them through the halls of the apartment building, and into an elevator, then through more halls.

I should've taken two trips.

"Anyone home?" I yell out into the apartment as I step through the front door.

I walk further in and look around for any sign that Dani or Cianni is home.

"Hello?" I yell out one more time into the seemingly empty apartment.

No one's here.

I walk back to the front door where I left the boxes sitting, and I scoot them into my room.

Then I go back and shut the front door.

Then I stand in the middle of our living room.

Not knowing what to do.

My eyes wonder to my open bedroom door, and I stare at the boxes.

I don't even know what's in them.

I start to walk towards them slowly.

But then I stop myself, and I pull out my phone. It doesn't take me long to find Eli's contact.

I call him. The phone rings, and rings, and rings. He doesn't answer.

I call Dani. No answer.

I call Cianni. no answer.

So I look at the boxes again, and take a few steps further.

I stop myself again, and try calling my mom. No answer.

I just need a reason to not open these boxes. And yet I can't find one.

Someone else comes to mind to call.

I dial the number out of desperation. They won't pick up though, I know it.


I take in a sharp breath out of shock.

"Oh, um hi." I say unsurely.


"Yeah, it's me. Um I'm sorry this was a mistake-" I begin.

"No, no, no I'm glad you called. Is everything okay? How are you?"

"I'm um... I guess I'm fine. How are you?" I ask.

It's strange how glad I am to hear his voice.

There was a time when I was so angry at him. And now his voice is comforting. I guess that's just what old friends are for.

"Probably doing about the same as you from what it sounds like." Josh nervously chuckles.

"You still at Beachwood?" I ask.

The thought of that place usually puts me in a bad mood, but right now I feel fondly of it.

"I actually run the place now, yeah."

"Wow that's so great Josh, I'm glad." I compliment.

"Thanks, you should come by. Unless you're too busy making music..." His voice sounds proud. "Congratulations on it Naomi, you're fantastic. Like really. I hear you on the radio like everyday."

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